874.00/11–1445: Telegram

The United States Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes) to the Secretary of State

682. Reports still persist of uneasiness in Zveno circles over Govt’s apparent determination to proceed with Nov 18 elections. It is again reported on good authority that Finance Minister Cholakov expressed desire at yesterday’s Cabinet meeting to resign and that Prime Minister said his desire would be considered at next Cabinet meeting. Press this morning announces that Cabinet will not meet again until election returns are known. There are also further indications that Social Democratic Minister Neikov remains uneasy about continuing [Page 376] in a Cabinet that persists in making elections contrary to popular will. It is just possible that a strong message from Mr. Byrnes and Mr. Bevin within next 24 to 36 hours against the elections could tip the scales in favor of resignations that might force Govt again to last moment postponement. In any event Russia’s attitude as revealed by Vyshinski in Ethridge’s first conversation with him (Moscow’s telegram No. 3845)5 would seem to clinch the argument in support of immediate statement by US and UK. During past 2 days opposition press has been urging Regents to precipitate Govt crisis either by tendering their resignations or by convoking a Crown Council to consider electoral situation.

Repeated to Moscow as No. 300.

  1. Supra.