874.00/10–3045: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes)

356. For Ethridge. In the absence of intervening developments in Sofia and subject to comments of Ambassador Harriman which have not yet been received, I believe it would be advisable for you to proceed to Moscow as suggested (Sofia’s tels 645, 646 and 647 of Oct 29 and 30) as soon as possible to discuss with Molotov, in conjunction [Page 359] with and, of course, under guidance of Amb Harriman, general situation in Bulgaria along lines you have outlined.

Before such conversations took place I would transmit to you more concrete comments in regard to specific proposals which might be made to Soviets but it would be our intention to allow you and Harriman as broad discretion as possible consistent with our general policy that we wish to see in Bulgaria an interim Gov broadly representative of all democratic elements of the people and elections insuring an effective expression of the free will of all democratic sections of the electorate.

Sent to Sofia, rptd to Moscow.85

  1. As No. 2251.