874.00/8–3045: Telegram
The United States Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 1—8:30 a.m.]
495. PriMin Georgiev’s statement to American correspondents on August 29, no doubt already published in US press, is characteristic of calm public approach taken by FF (Fatherland Front) to problems resulting from postponement of elections. Like Georgiev, press takes attitude that, while Cabinet changes will have to be made, militia restrained and election law altered, basic program and structure of FF need not be changed radically. (August 27 Communist Central Committee issued Mild No. 251). Well informed persons almost unanimous that postponement was wise and that FF should now proceed cautiously. Burov and Mushanov were transferred from prison to house arrest several days before scheduled elections. They too have been seeing politically active subordinates and leaders of other political groups.