874.00/8–2445: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes)

279. Urtel 474 Aug 24. Dept is gratified at postponement of elections and agrees that full credit should be accorded Bulgarian and Soviet Govts for their part in decision which will permit reconsideration of election procedures. You are accordingly authorized to convey message in the following sense to Bulgarian Govt:

“The Government of the United States has received with gratification the decision of the Bulgarian Government to postpone the elections which were to have taken place on August 26. This Government considers that the action of the Bulgarian authorities in this connection is a constructive act worthy of the self-respecting democratic traditions of the Bulgarian people. When appropriately implemented, your decision will ensure to the Bulgarian people full freedom of choice in the establishment of a representative government. It is the confident hope of the United States Government that it will also open the way to a fruitful relationship between our respective governments [Page 313] and peoples and will contribute to cooperation and mutual understanding between Bulgaria and the United Nations.”

In same or separate communication you should inform Bulgarian Govt that US Govt would welcome appointment of Gen Stoichev as informal Bulgarian Rep in this country.

You may convey to Biryusov appropriate message indicating appreciation of the spirit in which he has dealt with the elections problem in Bulgaria.

Your recommendation regarding possible award of decoration to Biryusov, which Dept agrees might be a useful step, has been referred to War Dept.

OWI has been given substance of final paragraph of your 474.
