
The Albanian Prime Minister (Hoxha) to President Truman 10


Excellency: On the occasion of the historic conference of Potsdam,11 I am happy to express to you in the name of the Albanian people and of the Democratic Government of Albania, as well as in my own name, our sincere wishes for the success of that great and noble undertaking for the good of all humanity.

The Albanian people, who have struggled with courage and sacrifice for the common noble cause, are fully convinced that the innumerable sacrifices, the ruin and devastation suffered by our country will be appreciated at their just value by the Big Three.

[Page 44]

My people hope that there will be no delay in making a decision, according to their wishes, to recognize their government which represents a faithful expression of their profound aspirations and which, in strict collaboration with our great Allies, has guided them during the general conflagration which was their hard-fought struggle for liberty and independence.

I am sure that such a decision will reinforce the sentiments and gratitude of the Albanian people toward the Allied powers and will enable them in consequence to continue to lend their modest contribution to the work of peace and cordial understanding between nations.

With assurances, [etc.]

Enver Hoxha

President of the Council of Ministers of the Democratic Government of Albania
  1. Transmitted to the Department in despatch 58, July 27 from Tirana, not printed. Telegram 61, August 10, 9 p.m., to Tirana, directed Mr. Jacobs to tell Premier Hoxha informally that his message had been received by the President and to add that the United States Government expected to give full consideration at an early date to the recognition question (875.01/7–2745).
  2. President Truman, Prime Minister Churchill (later Prime Minister Clement Attlee), and Marshal Stalin and their advisers met in conference in Berlin, July 17 to August 2, 1945. For documentation regarding the conference, see Foreign Relations, The Conference of Berlin (The Potsdam Conference), 1945, 2 vols.