874.00/8–2445: Telegram

The United States Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes) to the Secretary of State

474. My telegram 471, August 24. Despite my pessimism of this morning, “battle of elections” has been won. This evening Bulgarian Government informed General Biryusov that in interest of “early peace for Bulgaria with USSR, US and UK, and in consideration for the points of view recently expressed by Mr. Byrnes and Mr. Bevin” it was prepared to postpone elections scheduled August 26.

General Crane and I have just come from meeting of Allied Control Commission at which Bulgarian note was read by General Biryusov who announced that if all were in agreement he was prepared to inform Bulgarian Government that its willingness to postpone the elections should be made operative immediately. Official announcement of postponement will be made throughout country tomorrow morning.

I am sure Department will agree with me that this decision reflects credit on Bulgarian Government and on the USSR. It will be a tremendous blow to prestige Bulgarian Communist Party and should reveal to a much wider section of world’s population than Bulgarian people that Russia can be brought to cooperate with the US and UK. General Biryusov in opinion myself and General Crane is deserving considerable credit for having at last decided to throw his weight with us. It should not be overlooked that Prime Minister and Minister Foreign Affairs have now given positive evidence of correction their former views on world affairs.

I have just called on Minister Foreign Affairs to express appreciation for decision in name US Government and I shall call early in the morning on Prime Minister for same purpose. I sincerely hope under circumstances that Department will be able to instruct me immediately to convey appropriate message to leaders Bulgarian Government and General Biryusov. Respect latter, news of US decoration for him should help us materially in future dealings with Allied Control Commission. Respect Bulgarian Government, acceptance their desires send General Stoichev to US would be most welcome (my telegram 429, August 9).

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Also now appears to be moment to pour oil on Bulgarian troubled opinion viz [via?] Voice of America and to manifest interest in country and people in whatever way possible consistent with overall policy. USSR may likewise respond to flattery in Bulgarian case.

Repeated to Moscow as No. 245.


[On August 24, 1945 the British Embassy sent an aide-mémoire to the Department of State setting forth the view of the British Foreign Secretary that the problem of the political and economic situation in the Danubian and Balkan area, including Bulgaria, should be treated as a whole rather than piecemeal (840.811/8–2445).]