874.00/8–2245: Telegram

The United States Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes) to the Secretary of State

467. General Biryusov was taken by surprise this afternoon by the oral statement of Generals Crane and Oxley (my 465, Aug 22). In the main he took same line as Stainov (my 466, Aug 22) but not in such detail. He asked why we had not approached him earlier. He said that the Bulgarian Government must do what it is ordered to do by the Allied Control Commission. He emphasized the fact that the United States and United Kingdom notes on the electoral situation had made no specific demands. The more he talked about the matter the more his spleen distended and he finally terminated the brief interview by stating that in any event this was a matter he would have to refer at once to Moscow. In view of this fact and as Stainov has left the door wide open until midnight August 25 for Allied action with a view to postponement of elections, Houstoun-Boswall and I are requesting Generals Crane and Oxley to inform General Biryusov tomorrow morning that it is the desire of the United States and United Kingdom Governments to have the elections postponed until Allied Control Commission can agree on such remedial measures as will assure unfettered elections at earliest moment possible.

Repeated to Moscow as 240.
