740.00119 Control (Bulgaria)/8–2145: Airgram

Mr. Alexander C. Kirk, United States Political Adviser to the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater, to the Secretary of State

A–141. The following is an English translation of the text of statutes of Allied Control Commission Bulgaria as communicated to the British Delegation on the ACC Bulgaria by Soviet authorities:

“The functions of the Allied Control Commission in Bulgaria is to regulate and control, till the conclusion of peace, the fulfilment of the armistice conditions as laid down in the agreement on 28 October 1944 between the governments of the Soviet Union, USA and UK on one side and the Government of Bulgaria on the other.
“At the head of the Allied Control Commission is a Chairman who must be representative of the Soviet Armed Forces. He has under him a Deputy Chairman of the Commission, a political adviser, two assistant chairmen, and the COS of the Commission. Within the body of the Allied Control Commission there will be representatives of the UK and USA. The Allied Control Commission has its own seal. The seat of the Allied Control Commission is in the town of Sofia.
“The Allied Control Commission comprises:
A Staff.
A group under the political adviser.
An Administrative Section.
A Military Section.
An Air Force Section.
A Naval Section.
An Economic Section.
A Transport Section.
“During the period up to the conclusion of peace with Bulgaria the Chairman (or Deputy Chairman) of the Allied Control Commission [Page 301] will call regular meetings with the British and American representatives for the discussion of the most important problems relevant to the working of the Allied Control Commission. The meetings are to be called at short notice every 10 days and if necessary even more often. The directives of the Allied Control Commission on matters of principle are issued to the Bulgarian authorities by the Chairman of the Allied Control Commission (Deputy Chairman), after agreement has been reached on those directives with the British and American representatives.
“The British and American representatives in the Allied Control Commission will take part in general conferences, called by the Chairman of the Allied Control Commission, of heads of sections and mandatories of Allied Control Commission, conferences which should have a regular character, and will also take part in relevant cases, personally or through their representatives, in penal commissions appointed by Chairman of Allied Control Commission (Deputy Chairman) on matters connected with the carrying out by Allied Control Commission of its function.
“During that period the representatives of UK and USA will have the right:
To receive oral and written information from Soviet officials in the Commission on any matters connected with fulfilment of armistice agreement.
To bring up for consideration of Commission the suggestions of their governments on matters connected with fulfilment of armistice agreement.
To receive copies of all communications, reports and other documents which might be of interest to governments of UK and USA.
Of free circulation over the country, which is granted to British and American representatives on condition that Allied Control Commission is notified in advance of time and route of these journeys.
To take part in general conferences or meetings of heads of sections of ACC.
To communicate with departments of Bulgarian Govt, through Chairman of the Commission, D/Chairman, and chiefs of the relative sections.
To decide numbers and composition of their own representation. All questions connected with authorization of coming into Bulgaria and going out of Bulgaria of collaborators of British and American representatives are decided by Chairman of ACC locally and within no more than a week.
To freely communicate with their respective governments by means of ciphered telegrams and diplomatic mail. The reception and expedition by air of mail, goods and diplomatic couriers of British and American representatives in ACC will take place in accordance with regulations and times laid down by ACC and in special cases on preliminary agreement with Chairman of ACC.
To fix amount of cash required from Bulgarian Government for expenses of their respective personnel and to receive such funds through the Commission.
“For organization of the local control the ACC has mandatories of the Commission in the provinces, districts and ports and at the main establishments (?).
“The D/Chairman and Assistant Chairman of ACC and heads of sections as well have right to call through local military commander on specialist-officers for consultation, inspection or study of special problems arising in the course of work of ACC.
“The liaison with Bulgarian Government depts. is carried out by representatives of ACC not below heads of sections of the Commission and in the provinces, districts and ports by the respective representatives of the Commission.”
