874.00/7–645: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes)

201. Urtel 340 July 6. You may in your discretion inform MinFonAff in writing that, although Bulgarian authorities were promptly informed by you of circumstances in which Dimitrov sought refuge in your residence on May 24 and although you have since that time been in constant touch with the Bulgarian Govt with view to satisfactory solution of affair, Bulgarian authorities have not so far made any acceptable proposal to this end. US Govt continues to consider it desirable that satisfactory disposal of this case be arranged at early date and believes it incumbent upon Bulgarian Govt to make arrangements which will satisfy US representatives in Bulgaria that Dimitrov’s protection from irresponsible violence is assured. It accordingly would like to be informed by Bulgarian Govt as soon as may be possible of measures which Bulgarian Govt is prepared to take, whether by arranging for safe departure from Bulgaria or otherwise, to enable US representatives to be relieved of his custody.
