Report of the State-War-Navy Coordinating Sub-Committee for Europe22
Advice to United States Delegate, European Advisory Commission
Addendum to SWNCC 2 (JCS 1067 as revised)
the problem
1. To provide the United States Delegate, European Advisory Commission (EAC) with the views of the State-War-Navy Coordinating [Page 427] Committee (SWNCC) on subjects dealt with in draft directives relating to Germany prepared by the U.S. Advisers, EAC, which have not heretofore been acted upon by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) or the SWNCC.
facts bearing on the problem
2. By a memorandum of the Assistant Secretary of War23 (SWNCC 14), there were referred to the State-War-Navy Coordinating Sub-Committee for Europe the draft directives listed therein (Appendix “A” to SWNCC 1424) for study, recommendation and the preparation of appropriate statements of policy confined to broad basic policy principles not dealt with in JCS 1067, as presently revised (SWNCC 2) or in directives hitherto approved for transmittal to London.
3. There is set forth in Annex A to Appendix A25 statement of policy with respect to the subjects of International Agreements (JCS Memo 330), Control of German Foreign Relations (JCS Memo 340), Disposition of Enemy Diplomatic and Consular Property and Archives (un-printed memo) and Displaced Persons and Refugees (JCS Memo 343).
4. Such statement of policy is designed to supplement SWNCC 2 (JCS 1067, as revised) as an addendum thereto. However, on the question of form of presentation for negotiation in EAC, authorization has been given Ambassador Winant to make such alterations in form in JCS 1067, or other policy statements furnished him, as he deems desirable for EAC discussion so long as no change in substance results. (Department of State cable no. 603, 26 January 1945.)
5. The disposition of the remaining draft directives listed in SWNCC 14 is as follows:
- a.
- United Nations Prisoners of War (SWNCC 1/2)26 and Disarmament of the German Armed Forces and Disposal of Enemy Equipment [Page 428] (SWNCC 11/1/D)27 have been approved by the SWNCC and forwarded to the State Department and have been transmitted to London.
- b.
- Disposition of Political Prisoners (JCS Memo 326) and Dissolution of the Nazi Party and Purge of Nazi Personnel (JCS Memo 334) are, in the opinion of the Sub-Committee, adequately covered by JCS 1067, as revised (SWNCC 2), or by directives hitherto approved, or by Annex “A” to Appendix “A”.
- c.
- The seven draft directives on economic matters (JOS Memos 322, 329, 333, 339,347, 348 and 349)28 and the draft directives on War Criminals (JCS Memo 332) and Control of Educational Institutions in Germany (JCS Memo 309) will require further consideration within the interested Departments of the Government before final decision can be reached.
- d.
- The draft directive on Removal of German Officials and Civilians from Territories Formerly under German Control (JCS Memo 341) has been considered. As a post defeat matter such removal is regarded as one for negotiation between the Control Council and the governments of territories formerly under German Control. Accordingly, it is not felt that it is appropriate at this time to furnish the U.S. Delegate, EAC, with a statement of policy on this subject.
6. The statement of policy (Annex “A” to Appendix “A”) should be forwarded to the Secretary of State for transmittal to the U.S. Delegate, EAC, in order to supplement SWNCC 2 (JCS 1067, as revised) and the other directives hitherto transmitted.
7. There is no need to supplement JCS 1067, as revised (SWNCC 2) on policy matters relating to the Disposition of Political Prisoners (JCS Memo 326), Dissolution of the Nazi Party and Purge of Nazi Personnel (JCS Memo 334), or Removal of German Officials and Civilians from Territories Formerly Under German Control (JCS Memo 341).
8. The statement of policy at Annex “A” to Appendix “A” should be forwarded to JCS for their concurrence.
9. It is recommended:
- a.
- That the SWNCC approve the statement of policy in Annex “A” to Appendix “A”.
- b.
- That the SWNCC approve the conclusions of this report.
- c.
- That a copy of this report be forwarded to the JCS for their consideration with the request that if concurred in it be transmitted to [Page 429] the Commanding General, U.S. Army Forces, European Theater of Operations, for his information and guidance.
- d.
- That upon receipt of concurrence by the JCS the letter in Appendix “A” be forwarded to the Secretary of State.29
- This report was an enclosure to the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee document entitled “Redraft of JCS 1067 as a Tripartite Directive (Initial Post-Defeat Directive Germany),” designated SWNCC 2/3 and dated February 22, 1945. Also included in SWNCC 2/3 was a draft letter to the Secretary of State, designated Appendix “A”, not printed, which summarized the contents of the report of the SWNCC Subcommittee on Europe, and an addendum to JCS 1067, designated Annex “A” to Appendix “A”, the text of which is printed on p. 474. The draft letter to the Secretary of State was not approved, but instead, by informal action of March 26, 1945, the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee approved a revised letter to the Secretary (for text see p. 474) and the addendum to JCS 1067.↩
- Memorandum of January 1, p. 369.↩
- Not printed; for a list of the U.S. draft directives prepared by the U.S. delegation to the European Advisory Commission and awaiting approval from Washington, see bracketed note, p. 370.↩
- Post, p. 474.↩
- See instruction 5087, February 9, to London, p. 409.↩
- This draft directive was transmitted to London as an enclosure to instruction 5069, February 6, and was circulated in the European Advisory Commission by the United States Representative as document E.A.C.(45)12, dated February 16, 1945, none printed.↩
- These were the draft directives concerned with property control, food and agriculture, labor, coal, oil, international trade, and foreign trade.↩
- For text of final version of letter, see memorandum by the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee to the Secretary of State, dated March 24, p. 474.↩