740.00119 EAC/2–545: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
1282. For the Ambassador from Dunn. We have not overlooked your Cornea 173 of February 5 with its observations on the revised JCS 1067 and have been considering it in connection with your 1278 of the same day. We have had certain preliminary discussions with the War Department on these matters in which the importance of the Control Council has been repeatedly emphasized. However, we have not attempted to give you a more definite reply during the Crimea Conference and, since the issuance of the Yalta communiqué,21 have decided not to raise these questions again until the return of both military and civilian members of the delegation. The War Department no doubt will want to discuss these matters with the military authorities who were at the conference and the Department in particular is awaiting the return of Matthews before giving you additional instructions.
We hope to send you at an early date draft directives on the remaining political and administrative subjects now awaiting action here. Department completed its work on these several weeks ago but clearance from War Department is still awaited. The education directive will be delayed as it will probably have to be taken up at the White House. [Dunn.]