- Tripartite warning to Germany regarding responsibility for the safety and
welfare of Allied prisoners of war, internees, and deported citizens (Documents 486–496)
- Acceptance of German proposal that prisoners of war be left in camps as
Allies advanced, provided Allies agreed not to return prisoners to active
duty (Documents 497–509)
- Negotiations leading to the surrender of Germany; termination of
hostilities in Europe
(Documents 510–573)
- Concern of the United States regarding the repatriation of German
officials, agents, and other nationals following the end of the war
(Documents 574–614)
- Participation of the United States in the Control Council for Germany;
implementation of the Potsdam decisions on Germany
(Documents 615–633)
- Steps taken by the United States to implement the Potsdam decisions on the
establishment of central administrative machinery in Germany; discussions
with the French regarding the separation of the Ruhr, the Rhineland, and the
Saar from Germany (Documents 634–683)
- Developments of administrative and political significance relating to the
United States zone in Germany
(Documents 684–762)
- Concern of the United States with developments within the Soviet
occupation zone of Germany; quadripartite control of Berlin (Documents 763–801)
- Negotiations in the European Advisory Commission and the Allied Control
Commission for Germany regarding the representation in Germany of foreign
governments after surrender and the establishment of Four-Power control in
(Documents 802–815)
- Interest of the United States in the disposition of German Foreign Office
(Documents 816–853)
- Disposition of property and archives of the German embassies and
consulates in neutral countries (Documents 854–872)
- Discussions regarding procedures and scope of the United Nations
Commission for the Investigation of War Crimes and the setting up of the
International Military Tribunal
(Documents 873–882)
- Discussions concerning German reparations and restitution; work of the
Allied Commission on Reparations; establishment of the Inter-Allied
Reparation Agency; efforts to establish a level of industry for Germany
(Documents 883–1147)
- Disposition of the German Navy And Merchant Marine
(Documents 1148–1150)
- Interest of the United States in establishment of Export-Import machinery
for Germany and in German coal production and distribution (Documents 1151–1181)
- Discussions relating to decartelization, deconcentration, and handling of
the German public debt (Documents 1182–1198)
- Arrangements regarding a system of air corridors for flights between
Berlin and the western zones of occupation in Germany (Documents 1199–1206)