740.00119 EAC/7–2645: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

7546. Cornea 343. EAC (European Advisory Commission) this evening signed agreement amending protocol of 12 September 1944 to [on] zones occupation Germany and administration Greater Berlin.86

Text of agreement is as reported my telegrams to Department 6776, July 587 and 6856, July 788 repeated Frankfurt for Murphy as 17 and 20.

Text of covering report transmitting agreement to four governments89 is as reported my telegram to Department 6856 with additional [Page 366] final sentence as proposed by Soviet delegation and reported my telegram to Department 6997, July 11,90 repeated Frankfurt for Murphy as 34.

Signed texts sent Department by courier; additional copies will be sent to Department and Berlin.

According to previous arrangement at time of signature Massigli handed me letter91 regarding free passage for US forces French zone text reported my telegram to Department 6775, July 5 and my telegram to Frankfurt for Murphy 23, July 7.

Same time I handed Massigli letter92 regarding French use Karlsruhe records text reported my telegram to Department 6399, June 25, repeated Paris for Caffery and Murphy as 399.

I also handed Massigli letter93 regarding possible future adjustments between French and US zones, text reported my telegram to Department 6193, June 19, repeated Paris for Caffery and Murphy as 380. For greater accuracy phrase “revised draft agreement” in that letter was changed to “agreement regarding amendments to the protocol”. British representative94 handed Massigli similar letter regarding future adjustments between French and British zones.

Sent Babelsberg95 for the Secretary.

  1. For text of the agreement between the Governments of the United States, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom and the Provisional Government of the French Republic regarding amendments to the protocol of 12th September, 1944, on the zones of occupation in Germany and the administration of “Greater Berlin”, signed in London, July 26, 1945, see Department of State, Treaties and Other International Acts Series No. 3071, or United States Treaties and Other International Agreements, vol. 5, pt. 2, p. 2093. Notification of approval by the respective signatories was given by their representatives on the Commission on the following dates; the United States, July 29; the United Kingdom, August 2; France, August 7; and the Soviet Union, August 13. For documentation regarding approval of the agreement by the United States, see Conference of Berlin (Potsdam), vol. ii, pp. 10041006.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Conference of Berlin (Potsdam), vol. i, p. 598.
  4. For text of the report by the European Advisory Commission to the four Governments concerning the later delimitation of the French area in “Greater Berlin”, see ibid. vol. ii, p. 1003.
  5. Conference of Berlin (Potsdam), vol. i, p. 601.
  6. For the significant portion of this letter, which was transmitted to the Department in despatch 24517, July 27, from London, see ibid., vol. ii, p. 1005, footnote 2.
  7. For the significant portion of this letter, see ibid.
  8. For the pertinent portion of this letter, see ibid.
  9. Sir Ronald H. Campbell, who succeeded Sir William Strang as British Representative on the European Advisory Commission.
  10. Suburb of Berlin, site of the headquarters of the American Delegation to the Conference of Berlin.