740.00119 Control (Germany)/8–245
Minutes of the First Meeting of the Control Council for Germany, Held at Berlin, July 30, 1946, at 1:15 p.m.96
Members Present
- General of the Army Eisenhower (Chairman)
- Marshal Zhukov
- Field Marshal Montgomery
- Lt. Gen. Koenig
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[Page 367]5. French sector of Berlin.
Field Marshal Montgomery stated that he had been authorized by his government to offer the two districts of Reinickendorf and Wedding, including the Hermann Goering Barracks, to the French as their sector in Berlin. General Koenig stated that he had been authorized by the French Government to accept this offer. General Eisenhower agreed with these views and stated that he would make available all possible facilities for the French occupation of their sector. Marshal Zhukov stated that since this decision did not affect the Russian sector, he had no observations to offer. The Council agreed that certain details regarding the French sector should be worked out by the Deputies to the British, French, and American Commanders, respectively. General Koenig requested that facilities should be given to the French to enable them to effect rapid occupation of their sector in Berlin. The other three members of the Council agreed that their Deputies would assist General Koenig’s Deputy in every way possible to effect this.97
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- Transmitted to the Department by the United States Political Adviser for Germany as an enclosure to despatch 782, August 2, from Potsdam, not printed.↩
- For documentation regarding participation by the United States in the work of the Control Council and the Allied Control Authority for Germany, see pp. 820 ff.↩