
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy)

606. Reurtel 530 Sept 15. Dept opposes any allocation of coal from Western Germany to meet requirements of Soviet Zone. Any such allocation would be at the expense of exports of coal from Western Germany, since coal requirements for Western Zones have already been placed at a minimum figure. This Govt attaches the utmost importance to coal exports from Germany to meet critical needs of Allied countries and is now shipping coal across the Atlantic to help meet European needs. Demands on US would be increased by any allocation of German coal to Soviet Zone. We consider that deficits in Soviet Zones should be met directly from Silesia, not indirectly from Pennsylvania. Polish Govt has informed us that Silesian coal is immediately available, substantially in excess of Poland’s present export commitments, provided transportation by rail, rather than through Baltic ports, is arranged. Allocation of Western German coal to USSR Zone is inadmissible until there is complete agreement for pooling resources of all zones and a fully developed quadripartite import, export program. Moreover, such a quadripartite program would surely include provision for import of Silesian coal into Germany. USSR has so far adhered to strictly zonal approach on supply matters, even insisting on this approach with respect to apportionment of supply responsibility for Greater Berlin.

Repeated to London.
