The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State
[Received 5:19 p.m.]
593. Reurtel 494, Sept 18, 8 p.m. Under current operation of export-import plan prices for exports have not been submitted by zone commanders. Coal, for example, is being exported against quantitative receipts. American officials assume that French and British agree to proposal that transfer of receipts for exports from other zones can be made available for imports in American zone. However in view of early stage of operation of export-import plan, such matters have not yet been handled. U.S. trade and commerce officials do not believe that quadripartite agreement, on specific items, will have to be obtained—during the interim period—for use of receipts for exports to meet cost of imports. They assume that agreement to establish an [Page 1530] interim plan satisfies, in principle, the need for quadripartite agreement on imports into Germany.