
The Cuban Chargé ( Barón ) to Mr. Eugene H. Dooman, Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State ( Dunn )

My Dear Mr. Dooman: I refer to my letter of May 22,55 regarding the “proposed decision with respect to fisheries in certain areas of the high seas” and have the pleasure of enclosing herewith the opinion of the Cuban Government, which I have just received from the Ministry of State in Havana.

As you will see, my Government is willing to accept the proposed decision on fisheries put forward by the Government of the United [Page 1514] States in order to preserve and protect the fishing resources along its coast.

Yours sincerely,

José T. Barón

Opinion of the Government of Cuba With Reference to the Proposed Decisions Outlined by the Government of the United States Relating to Fishing

  • First: the Government of Cuba accepts in all respects the proposed decisions which should be adopted with reference to fisheries in certain areas of the high seas, cooperating in all of them with the Government of the United States in order to preserve and protect the fishing resources and internal security of those along her coasts.
  • Second: understands that in establishing the conservation zones explicitly set aside through agreements between States, the Fishery Department should be counted upon, acting jointly with a Nautical Officer of the National Navy, to propose the parallels or boundaries which should be set for same when placed under regulation.
  • Third: also believes that the Government of the United States, when establishing its zones of protection and conservation in those areas of the high seas contiguous to her coasts, should take into consideration the historical fact firmly established by fishers in boats under the Cuban flag, who from time immemorial, and now under the protection of Article 6 of the General Fishing Law, and 17 of the Regulations for its execution, obtain products of their fisheries outside of our waters, working with soundings, and who extend their fishing trips to the coast of the Gulf from Cape Romano to Cape San Bias within territory of the United States, including the Dry Tortugas, at a distance varying between 10 and 20 miles from the Southern Coast of the State of Florida; as well as between Cabo Catoche and Islas Mujeres in Mexican Territory.”
  1. Not printed; Mr. Barón informed Mr. Dooman that he had forwarded the proposed decision to Havana (811.0145/5–2245).