Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State to the Assistant Secretary of State (Long)
Mr. Long: I have given the most careful consideration to the file which you sent to me on October 30th on the subject of Natural Resources of the Continental Shelf and on Fisheries.22
I feel that the drafts which you and Mr. Hackworth have prepared should be considered as the Department’s policy and transmitted as such to the Department of Interior.
While I feel that the considerations presented in the ECA memorandum are not without merit, I am inclined to believe that the additional suggestions dealt with in the ECA draft could more properly be handled by a series of administrative decisions and announcements.
I will appreciate it if you would be good enough to transmit the approved drafts to the Secretary of the Interior.
- This file contained the following items: (1) All documents printed on pp. 1481–1487; (2) quotations on the right of the United States with respect to fisheries in which its nationals have participated off the coasts of the United States, not printed; and (3) a summary report on the Fisheries Committee of the Department of State, not printed.↩