
The Department of State to the British Embassy


Reference is made to the memorandum of the British Embassy-dated December 2, 1944,2 in connection with the proposal to form a European Economic Committee, and the suggestion of setting up a European Coal Organization. Reference is also made to the suggestion of the Foreign Office to the United States Embassy in London, and more recently to this Government in Washington, that the French Government be invited to participate in advance of the other European Allies.

This Government has previously in its Aide-Mémoire of September 27, 1944,3 expressed its agreement to a European Economic Committee as a forum for discussion among the European states, of questions which must be settled to insure in the early post-military period, the maximum effective interchange among them of food, raw materials and capital goods. A review of this Aide-Mémoire indicates that the principles there stated are fully applicable to the problems involved in the production, distribution and supply of coal in Europe. This Government is therefore prepared to join in discussions looking to a European Coal Organization formed under such principles, either as a subcommittee of a European Economic Committee or as a separate organization for the transitional period.

This Government is further of the opinion that the French Government should be represented in the discussions with the United States, the United Kingdom and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, from the inception.

It is believed, however, that the beginning of both a European Economic Committee and a European Coal Organization would be greatly expedited by a meeting at an early date, in London, between [Page 1412] representatives of the four governments, under very general terms of reference.

This Government, therefore, would be prepared to attend an informal meeting called in London between representatives of the United States, United Kingdom, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and France, and suggests the date of January 29, 1945. The following terms of reference are proposed:

To consider what questions affecting the economic relations of the European Allies have arisen or are likely to arise in the transition period, and in particular the problems having to do with the production, supply and distribution of coal and coal-mining machinery, which cannot be dealt with effectively under existing methods of procedure.
To consider whether the solution of these questions requires the setting up of the proposed European Economic Committee and a European Coal Organization.

This Government is making this proposal also to the governments of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and France,4 with the suggestion that if by the date proposed either government is not prepared to participate fully, it send an observer, and participate fully whenever it decides that it desires to do so.

It is suggested that the representatives of each government discuss detailed agenda informally prior to the meeting, which can then be agreed at the meeting itself.

  1. Ibid., p. 631.
  2. Ibid., p. 622.
  3. By memoranda dated January 2 and January 12, 1945, respectively; neither printed.