840.70/5–745: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
3592. This supersedes previous instructions.45 You are hereby authorized to sign agreement without amendment to Article XIV, paragraph 9. You are, however, to make it clear to other signatories that this Government interprets the term “Allied Commanders in Chief” to include not only commanders designated by a combination of the powers named but also commanders designated by any one of the powers. You may make this position a matter of record by inserting the amended Article in the minutes of the Council meeting.
[The agreement for the Provisional European Inland Transport Organization was signed at London on May 8, 1945. For text, see Department of State Executive Agreement Series No. 458, or 59 Stat, (pt. 2) 1359. For a press statement released on May 11, 1945, see Department of State Bulletin, May 13, 1945, page 910.]
- Telegram 3563, May 7, 1945, 11 a.m., to London, had authorized signature of the Agreement subject to an amendment to article xiv, paragraph 9 (840.70/4–3045).↩