840.811/12–2245: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

7321. For Radius from Merchant and Russell. Following text of proposed International Rhine Navigation Administration agreed at ECITO meeting in London December 18:

Taking advantage of existing machinery on the Rhine and with the purpose of enabling it fully to cope with problems concerning traffic of common concern on that river and on the adjoining waterways, in particular the coordination of traffic and the allocation of trade and inspired by the desire to set an example for efficient cooperation [Page 1386] within the framework of ECITO the Executive Board puts forward the following proposals:
The Rhine Interim Working Committees at present working under the direction of the headquarters of the British Army of the Rhine with delegates of the other armies of occupation and of the Belgian, French and The Netherlands Mission taking part in its meetings, shall be recognized and given an official international status with the title of the International Rhine Navigation Administration and its bases broadened so as:
To insure full and equal representation to the Govts and authorities referred to in paragraph 4.
To extend the geographical sphere of authority of the committee so as to make it substantially co-extensive with that traffic of common concern which centers around the Rhine.
To expand its functions so as to enable it to deal more adequately with all essential technical problems concerning that traffic.
This International Rhine Navigation Administration, hereinafter outlined and called the Administration, shall deal, as long as present emergency circumstances make it necessary with the coordination of traffic and the allocation of craft as well as with all the other matters affecting navigation of common concern to the Rhine and adjoining waterways, referring for guidance, advice and assistance to ECITO and/or the Central Rhine Commission as may be appropriate.
The administration shall consist of a board and a permanent secretariat. The board shall be composed of one representative of each of the Governments of Belgium, France, The Netherlands, and Switzerland; and of the British, US and French authorities in Germany; and shall appoint a chairman with the necessary technical qualifications.
ECITO and the Central Rhine Commission shall have one representative each with the board to act as advisers without the right of vote.
Decisions shall be taken by majority vote but except upon matters of internal administration shall not be binding on any government or authority represented on the board whose representative gives notice to that effect at the time that the decision is taken. All such cases shall then be referred to ECITO and/or the Central Rhine Commission, as may be appropriate. Each member of the board, including each zone representative, shall have one vote, and the chairman a casting vote only.
The chairman and permanent secretariat shall be international in character. The latter shall consist of a secretary appointed by the board and of a staff appointed by the chairman. As far as circum [Page 1387] stances permit the services of members of the permanent secretariat of the Rhine Interim Working Committee as at present constituted shall be retained, additional technical and administrative personnel being appointed as required from time to time. The records of the Rhine Interim Working Committee shall pass to the administration.
The chairman shall convene the board whenever necessary. The board will appoint two permanent subagencies to be known as the International Rhine Traffic Committee and the International Rhine Conservancy Committee to deal with traffic and conservancy problems respectively. The chairmanship of these two bodies will be decided upon by the board.
The salary of the chairman and the expenses of the secretariat shall be agreed by the board and covered by equal contributions from the governments and authorities represented in the administration. These funds will be administered by the board.
The traffic and conservancy functions of the administration shall include:
Coordination of river conservancy (including bank training, dredging, salvage, marking and buoying of channels), flood prediction service and ice protection;
Coordination of engineering resources, such as plant, equipment, repair facilities, materials and labor;
Development of telecommunications;
Navigation and pilotage regulations;
Registration and survey of craft;
River police;
Coordination of plans for development of river traffic;
Assessment of traffic capacity of waterways within its jurisdiction;
Allocation of traffic and if necessary of craft among operating groups;
Responsibility for ensuring the execution of traffic programs;
Issue of coordinated operating rules;
Establishment of rates, charges and dues, and determination of conditions of carriage, with due regard to other forms of transport;
Determination of requirements and of priorities in repairs to craft and coordination of repair facilities;
Arrangements for procurement of requirements of fuel, lubricants, stores and provisions;
Assistance on currency and other clearing arrangements;
Organization of social and medical services for shipping and shore personnel, establishment of safe conducts, et cetera.
The functions remaining the direct responsibility of ECITO shall include:
Restitution of Allied craft;
Temporary allocation of enemy craft without prejudice to ultimate ownership;
Census of craft;
The administration shall be required to give advice and assistance on the execution of these functions.
The scope of the administration shall be;
For conservancy the Rhine from the upper limit of the port of Basle (km 1.9) to Goriuchem and to Krimpen, respectively, the navigable parts of the Neckar and of the Main, and the Rhine–Herne and Wesel–Datteln Canals.
For traffic: all traffic on the above waterways and international traffic between any points thereon, on the one hand, and the seaports handling the above traffic, on the other.

Sent Dept 7321; repeated Berlin for Murphy from Rainey48 as 270 and London 887. [Merchant and Russell.]

  1. Froelich G. Rainey, Senior Economic Analyst, Office of the Political Adviser for Germany, on the staff of the U.S. Representative to the International Commission of the Rhine.