800.4016 DP/7–2445: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy)

180. Urtel 209 July 24. Administrative Memo 39 and EAC Directive are silent on question of returning enemy or ex-enemy nationals against their will. Section III paragraph 18 a (3) of Admr Memo 39 reads “when it is in the interest of military government, arrange through DPX channels for repatriation movement into and out of their areas”. Paragraph 4 of EAC directive on displaced persons allows for “due consideration to the wishes of the individuals involved” with respect to United Nations nationals. Paragraph 7 second sentence reads “you will assume responsibility for the repatriation or return of such displaced persons (nationals of former enemy states) and refugees only when that is in the interest of the occupation”. This latter sentence thus remains silent on the question of consideration of wishes of individuals.

In view of fact that Austria will be under control of four power commission75 it is not anticipated that Austrians (who are not in any event considered enemy nationals) will object to return. Likewise no reports have as yet been received concerning Bulgarians, Rumanians or Finns objecting to return. Slovak Catholics only Czech nationals reported to be unwilling to return to Zecho.

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Policy as stated in Depts 107 July 13 is confirmed, it being understood that groups listed in telegram under reference with exceptions noted will not be required to return against their will. This does not mean however that they will be encouraged to remain or be invited to express preferences in the matter. Kindly telegraph estimates of numbers of foregoing nationals not desiring repatriation to date or likely not to desire repatriation.

  1. See section under Austria entitled “Participation of the United States in the Operation of the Allied Commission for Austria …”, vol. iii, pp. 559 ff.