840.50 UNRRA/5–1945
The Acting Secretary of State
to the Ambassador in Italy (Kirk)
Washington, May 19, 1945—3
851. UNRRA from Lehman.38 Not clear whether following cable
#B/122 received from Belgrade 11 May was repeated to you:
- “1. Your Memo 6 April39 received.
- 2. Problem complicated as UNRRA aid to displaced persons
hitherto not envisaged by us as aid for political refugees from
States members of United Nations and UNRRA Council.
- 3. If precedent UNRRA support for these Jugoslavs accepted it
logically involves UNRRA support for many further thousand
Jugoslavs now in Germany but opposed to present regime and for
political refugees other members United Nations including
hundreds thousand Poles unwilling return Poland.
- 4. Further difficulty is that acceptance by UNRRA of
responsibility these Jugoslavs against wishes Jugoslav
Government will lead not only to violent conflict between
Jugoslav authorities and UNRRA with most adverse effect on work
UNRRA Jugoslav Mission but Jugoslav attitude will certainly find
support with number other council members with consequent
serious split in council.
- 5. After detailed discussion with American and British
Embassies Belgrade consider decisions should be postponed and
Jugoslavs held provisionally in Italy in camps under military or
control. Advantage this postponement is that it gives time for
consideration on high level between major powers of general
questions of
- (a)
- Handing over to United Nations Government of their
nationals accused by them of war crimes.
- (b)
- General disposal political refugees of United Nations
- 6. Suggest in any case general policy should be threshed out
at next UNRRA Council.41
- 7. Have deferred discussion on above with Jugoslav Ministry
Foreign Affairs pending your reply.”
Exploring with State Department and British Embassy possibility US and UK
governments will direct AC or military to care for Jugoslav nationals Italy
temporarily as suggested paragraph 5 above to defer issue for possible
consideration Council meeting. [Lehman.]