840.48 Refugees/2–945: Telegram
The Minister in Sweden (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 10—2:49 a.m.]
507. I was informed this p. m. by Von Post that reply has been received from Swedish Minister Berlin to instructions mentioned in my 483, February 7, 9 p.m. Swiss Government unwilling to make joint démarche with Vatican and Swedish Government to German Government on behalf of Jews in concentration camps but has instructed Swiss Minister Berlin to confer with Swedish Minister and examine possibilities presumably for independent action. Von Post said Swiss official reply in general was more encouraging than reaction of Papal Nuncio and Swiss Minister in Berlin. He also said a Swiss Citizen Monsieur Musy29 succeeded in getting liberation of 1200 Jews from Theresienstadt through his private efforts and that these people now on way to Switzerland. Previous lot of 1500 said to have been freed as result of Musy’s efforts already arrived in Switzerland. Foreign Office considers news of these releases through private efforts of significance and indicates possibility for release of others.
- Jean-Marie Musy, a former Federal Councilor of Switzerland.↩