840.50 UNRRA/11–945

The United States Member of the UNRRA Council (Clayton) to the Acting Soviet Member of the UNRRA Council (Klentsov)

Dear Mr. Klentsov: Thank you for your letter of November 946 in which you acknowledge the letter which I sent jointly with Messrs. Pearson and Noel-Baker to Mr. Sergeev in September 1945, confirming the understanding reached in London between us as to the extent [Page 1049] and nature of the request for UNRRA assistance from the Ukrainian and Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republics. You refer in your reply to the confidence of the Governments of these two Republics that their requests for receipt of UNRRA assistance, within the terms agreed upon between us, would be fully met from the resources of the Administration available out of the original contribution of the non-invaded member governments.

It would not be possible for me to accept this interpretation of the arrangements agreed upon between us in London. You will recall that the original letter from Mr. Pearson, Mr. Noel-Baker and myself stated:

“It is understood that if the additional funds contemplated in Resolution 80 are not forthcoming from the three principal contributing countries, a new situation will arise in which all concerned with the present exchange of letters will endeavor to insure a reduction by the Administration of all outstanding claims, including those of the Ukrainian and Byelorussian Republics, sufficient to bring them within the limits of the funds available.”

I have consulted with Mr. Noel-Baker and Mr. Pearson, who share my views in the above regard. I am sending this letter without waiting for the delay which would be involved in having all three of us sign it47 so that you may inform the Governments of the Ukraine and Byelorussian Republics promptly of our views in this matter in order to avoid any misunderstanding of the agreement reached between ourselves and you in London.48

Sincerely yours,

W. L. Clayton
  1. Not printed.
  2. Marginal note reads: “Letter cleared with Ed Ritchie—Canadian Embassy [and] R. Jackling—British Embassy”.
  3. The entire sum allocated for the Ukrainian S.S.R. and Byelorussian S.S.R., 250 million dollars, was made available to UNRRA, and supplies of that value were delivered to the two areas; see Woodbridge, UNRRA, vol. ii, p. 250. For texts of agreements, dated December 18, 1945, between UNRRA and both Byelorussian and Ukrainian S.S.R., along with subsequent exchanges of letters, see ibid., vol. iii, pp. 255, 260, 332, 337.