840.50 UNRRA/7–2945: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

6329. Upon his arrival London please communicate to Clayton19 for his information Kirk’s20 3097 July 29 from Caserta, quoted below.

“We are informed from Belgrade that numerous indications point to following conclusions:

That machinery being shipped to Russia from Yugoslavia is perhaps expected to be replaced by UNRRA; wheat, livestock, sugar and glass and other commodities are being hurried to Russia; strong suspicion that all UNRRA wool will go to Partisan Army, as yet [Page 1000] showing no signs of decrease in size; UNRRA food and medical supplies being used to foster Communist Party to disadvantage of bulk of population.

Since UNRRA supplies have not yet penetrated Serbian and Belgrade areas it may be possible that fanatical minority groups of Communists and OXNA [OZNA?]21 are attempting to use UNRRA for their own purposes but that majority of officials are trying to see that those in need receive UNRRA supplies.”

Sent London repeated Moscow.

  1. Assistant Secretary of State William L. Clayton was at this time adviser to the U.S. delegation at the Tripartite Conference of Berlin (Potsdam), July 17–August 2, and was due in London on August 7 for the Third Session of the UNRRA Council, August 7–25, as U.S. Council member.
  2. Alexander C. Kirk, American Ambassador in Italy, Representative on the Advisory Council for Italy, and Political Adviser on the Staff of the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater (Alexander).
  3. Section for the Defense of the People.