840.50 UNRRA/6–445

The Acting Secretary of State to the Director General of UNRRA (Lehman)

My Dear Governor Lehman: As you know, the principal United States effort to contribute to Yugoslav relief and rehabilitation will at least initially be through UNRRA. Since a large part of UNRRA supplies for Yugoslavia will come from United States sources, we are well aware that the success of the UNRRA program for Yugoslavia will depend to a great extent upon the efficient functioning of the United States supply and allocation machinery. I want to assure you that we will give UNRRA every possible assistance in procuring and shipping supplies scheduled to go to Yugoslavia from the United States, and I am reminding the several agencies concerned of our policy in this regard by sending them copies of this letter.

In view of the severe world-wide shortage of many types of supplies and the resulting urgent demands on the United States from all claimants, it is necessary however that UNRRA requests for supplies for Yugoslavia be based on accurate information as to conditions within the country. It is particularly important that there be adequate assurances that all indigenous supplies needed for relief purposes are kept within the country and not exported and, together with imported supplies, are distributed efficiently and without discrimination.

I am asking our Ambassador at Belgrade14 to render all possible aid and assistance to the UNRRA Yugoslav mission in achieving its objectives, and I hope that your mission can keep him informed of its activities.

Sincerely yours,

Joseph C. Grew
  1. Richard C. Patterson, Jr.