740.61112A/2–2445: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the Secretary of State
Moscow, February 24,
1945—1 p.m.
[Received 3:56 p.m.]
[Received 3:56 p.m.]
538. ReEmbs 338, February 6, 1 p.m.22 Head of American Section of Foreign Office23 has now replied to Kennan’s24 letters of November 25 and January 5 concerning recognition of the Proclaimed List and has named an official, the head of Trade Agreements Section of People’s Commissariat for Foreign Trade,25 who would be prepared to discuss with us the question of recognition of Proclaimed List by the Soviet Government in its official dealings.
We will proceed with these discussions as soon as possible.
Sent to Department as 538; repeated to London as 74.