740.00119 Council/12–645: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)

2461. Personal for Harriman. Please convey to Molotov as the suggested U.S. agenda the eight items listed in mytel 2435, December 1, 6 p.m.57 You should also inform him that it is of course understood that the other two Governments will propose their own suggested list of items and that the final agenda will be drawn up by mutual agreement between the three. In view of the shortness of time it is expected that the final agenda will not be agreed upon until the Foreign Secretaries meet in Moscow.

Tentative date for departure is December 12. It will be most helpful if you could obtain from Molotov the items which the Soviet Government desires to suggest for inclusion in the agenda. I shall wire you shortly regarding our exact plans and the other members of the party.

  1. Not printed; it repeated the substance of telegram 10352, November 29, to London, p. 587, including the eight items suggested for inclusion in the agenda of the meeting of Foreign Ministers.