740.00119 Council/11–2945: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 29—4:50 p.m.]
12505. Personal to Secretary Byrnes. Bevin’s message to you forwarded today via British Embassy Washington was despatched before your teletype message (10352, Nov 29) reached London this evening.
There has been some confusion here because of a Reuters despatch which was flashed through at about 5 o’clock this evening London time to the effect that President Truman in a press conference46 said he did not favor a further meeting of the representatives of the three powers but hoped that world problems could be settled through United Nations Organization which he believed could be established within 90 days.
Would you please cable me his exact statement as there is some question in the Foreign Office as to whether the reference included meetings of the Foreign Ministers.
Bevin told me Tuesday47 night that he had not put your proposals before the full Cabinet. He has tried to limit his conversations to ensure secrecy. Your teletype message of Tuesday he took up with Attlee alone.
[Page 590]Bevin has asked me to meet him tomorrow to discuss your last message. Any suggestions you could send me would be very much appreciated.