740.00119 Council/11–2545: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
10236. For Bevin.25 I have wired Molotov that at the Crimea Conference it was decided that the Foreign Secretaries of the three Governments represented there would hold regular meetings probably every 3 or 4 months. That was February. In May they met at San Francisco for the UNO Conference, in July at Potsdam when the Heads of Government met and in September at London during the Council of Foreign Ministers.
Under the Berlin agreement it was provided that the establishment of the Council of Foreign Ministers should be without prejudice to the agreement that there should be periodical consultations between the Foreign Secretaries of the Three Governments. That it will soon be 3 months since we met in London on September 11th and therefore I suggest that the next meeting be held on Tuesday, December 11th. Under the Crimea agreement in fixing place of meeting we are to rotate. As the Secretaries have met at San Francisco and London the December meeting be held in Moscow.
When I receive his reply will immediately communicate with you by telephone. Know you will realize importance of preventing leak.
- Because of his absence from London, this message was not delivered to Bevin until November 26 at 3 p.m.↩