800.42/7–1345: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom ( Winant ) to the Secretary of State

7085. Kefauver to Anderson, British Minister of Education issued following news release yesterday on behalf of Conference Allied Ministers Education without consultation with Johnson or Kefauver and without discussion at meeting of Conference:

“A conference is to be held in London on Nov 1 next to consider the establishment of a United Nations educational and cultural organization.

“The Conference of Allied Ministers of Education under the chairmanship of Mr. Richard Law, Minister of Education, at a meeting [Page 1514] in London today unanimously agreed that the UK Govt be asked to invite on its behalf the Govts of all the United Nations to send delegates to this conference.

“A working committee will be set up in London to make preparations for the conference and to assemble and collate opinions and proposals as to the scope and methods of operation of the organization.

“Draft proposals for the constitution of the organization prepared by the Conference of Allied Ministers of Education will be issued shortly and will form the basis of discussion at the forthcoming conference.”

Kefauver has expressed informally dissatisfaction with this action without preliminary discussions and failure to indicate in last paragraph that draft constitution was prepared by Conference in cooperation with US Govt. [Kefauver.]
