Memorandum by the Secretaries of
State, War, and Navy to President Truman
Washington, April 18,
The Secretaries of State, War, and Navy have exchanged views with respect
to the manner in which the question of the establishment
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of a trusteeship system is to be discussed
at the Conference at San Francisco.
We have agreed upon the attached policy directive which we have discussed
with the United States Delegation to San Francisco and they have
approved. We recommend to you that you approve this directive and that
it be sent to the Chairman of the American Delegation as a statement of
United States policy on this subject.
We wish also your approval of making this United States policy on
trusteeship made known publicly at a time and in a manner to be
determined by the United States Delegation.
E. R. Stettinius,
Secretary of State
Henry L. Stimson
Secretary of War
James Forrestal
Secretary of the Navy
Recommended Policy on Trusteeship
It is not proposed at San Francisco to determine the placing of any
particular territory under a trusteeship system. All that will be
discussed there will be the possible machinery of such a system.
The United States Government considers that it would be entirely
practicable to devise a trusteeship system which would apply only to
such territories in the following categories as may, by trusteeship
arrangements, be placed thereunder, namely: (a) territories now held under mandate; (b) territories which may be detached from enemy states as
a result of this war; and (c) territories
voluntarily placed under the system by states responsible for their
administration. It shall be a matter for subsequent agreement as to
which of the specific territories within the foregoing categories
shall be brought under the trusteeship system and upon what
This system would provide, by agreements, for (1) the maintenance of
United States military and strategic rights, (2) such control as
will be necessary to assure general peace and security in the
Pacific Ocean area as well as elsewhere in the world, and (3) the
advancement of the social, economic, and political welfare of the
inhabitants of the dependent territories.
Approved Harry S. Truman.59