740.00119 (Potsdam)/5–2446

No. 552
Briefing Book Paper
top secret

YugoslaviaComment on British Agenda

a. The principles of the Crimea Declaration on Liberated Europe and the specific provisions of the Yalta Declaration regarding Yugoslavia are being ignored and apparently wilfully nullified by the administration of Marshal Tito. As regards the latter, the National Provisional Government of Yugoslavia contains only six non-members of the Partisan organization of whom only three have independent views and these three are in positions where they exercise little authority or influence. The Anti-Fascist Assembly of National Liberation (AVNOJ) has not been extended to include members of the last Yugoslav Parliament to form a temporary Parliament and it has been stated that the conclusions of the Partisan Congress at Jajce in November 1943 are now to be accepted as the “Constitution” of Yugoslavia.

We believe that Marshal Tito should have firmly impressed upon him that the specific recommendations of the Soviet, British, and United States Governments contained in the Yalta Declaration on [Page 828] Yugoslavia must be realistically followed if his regime is to enjoy the support of the three powers.

As regards the application to Yugoslavia of the principles of the Crimea Declaration on Liberated Europe,1 Marshal Tito’s regime is apparently deliberately thwarting the exercise of democratic processes. Information reaching this Government is conclusive that all democratic non-Partisan expression of opinion is being ruthlessly suppressed by Partisan organizations. Preparations for forthcoming elections indicate that, while some outward form of freedom will be given them, arrangements are being made to ensure effective control by the small governing faction of the National Liberation Front.

We believe that, in fulfillment of our Yalta pledge, the Soviet, British and American Governments should impress upon Marshal Tito the absolute essentiality that truly free and democratic elections be held in accordance with the letter and spirit of the Crimea Declaration and that the three governments should consider taking effective concerted action in the event Marshal Tito’s regime continues on its present intolerant course.