740.00119 EW/7–1545: Telegram

No. 471
The Ambassador in Italy (Kirk) to the Acting Secretary of State 1
top secret

2964. SAC2 informed us last evening that during his recent visit to London Churchill had requested him to confer with officials of [Page 701] the FonOff with regard to proposed peace treaty with Italy. He said that in absence of Eden who was ill, he conducted conversations with Sargent. After studying FonOff draft carefully Alexander informed Sargent and other FonOff officials that in his opinion their draft was far too severe and he could not concur in it. He reiterated his belief that Tripoli should now definitely be returned to Italy without any strings tied and that Eritrea and Italian Somaliland should be given back to Italy with certain conditions attached. He stated that in his opinion the Italians should also be given a small fleet which would be excellent for their morale.

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  1. The gist of this message was included in telegram No. 35 of July 16 from Grew to Byrnes (file No. 800.00 Summaries/7–1645).
  2. Field Marshal Sir Harold Alexander.