Department of the Army Files: Telegram

No. 309
The Representative on the Allied Control Commission for Bulgaria (Crane) to the Joint Chiefs of Staff 1

Ref number 1910 action to AGWar for JCS info to CG MTOUSA, ACC Rumania US, ACC Hungary US from ACC Bulgaria US signed Crane, AFHQ passing. Note our radio number 1906.2

Following is the text of a letter just received from the Russians here: “In view of the changed situation, due to the end of the war with Germany, the Soviet Government finds it necessary to establish the following procedure in the work of the Allied Control Commission in Bulgaria:

The Chairman (Deputy Chairman) of the Allied Control Commission at least once every ten days or if necessary oftener will hold consultations with the representatives of Great Britain and United States to discuss the most important problems arising in connection with the work of the Allied Control Commission.
The Directives of the Allied Control Commission involving basic problems are given by the Chairman (Deputy Chairman) of the Allied Control Commission after the preliminary discussion of those directives with the representatives of the US and Great Britain.
The representatives of Great Britain and USA take part in the general consultations with the chief of the sections or authorized [Page 406] members of the Allied Control Commission; the meetings are called regularly by the Chairman (Deputy Chairman) of the Allied Control Commission. They also can take part personally or through their representatives in mixed commissions, which in suitable cases would be summoned by the Chairman (Deputy Chairman) of the Allied Control Commission to solve the problems arising in fulfillment of these functions by the Allied Control Commission.
The representatives of Great Britain and USA have the right to travel freely throughout the country. They will advise in advance the Allied Control Commission of the time and route of their trip.
The representatives of Great Britain and USA have the right to determine the number of personnel of their mission.
Delivery and dispatch of mail, cargo, and diplomatic couriers are carried out by representatives of Great Britain and USA in accordance with the arrangements made by Chairman (Deputy Chairman) of the Allied Control Commission and in exceptional cases with preliminary agreement with the Chairman (Deputy Chairman) of the Allied Control Commission. To this I must add that all other clauses of the agreement of the Allied Control Commission in Bulgaria remain in force”.

There are many points in it which need clarification. Further developments will be reported.

  1. Sent to the Commanding General, United States Army Forces, Mediterranean Theater of Operations, Caserta, for relay. Received by the United States Delegation to the Berlin Conference on July 13 as a retransmission from the War Department.
  2. Document No. 308.