J. C. S. Files

No. 220
Memorandum by the British Chiefs of Staff

top secret
C. C. S. 880/9

Program and Procedure for the Conference

We suggest that in accordance with the procedure we have adopted at previous conferences, the United States and British Chiefs [Page 244] of Staff should hold their domestic meetings in the morning and the Combined Chiefs of Staff should meet in the afternoon at 1430.1
We suggest also that we should aim to work to the attached programme.

Programme for Terminal

top secret
1st Meeting (Monday, 16th) 1. Programme and Procedure for the Conference
2. Estimate of the Japanese Situation
3. Progress Reports on Operations in Pacific and SEAC
4. Development of Operations in the Pacific
5. Report on Air Operations in the War Against Japan
2nd Meeting (Tuesday, 17th) 1. British Participation in the War Against Japan
2. Control and Command in the War Against Japan
3rd Meeting (Wednesday, 18th) 1. Basic Objectives, Strategy, and Policies
2. French, Dutch, and Portuguese Participation in the War Against Japan
4th Meeting (Thursday, 19th) 1. Directive to SACSEA
2. Russian Participation
3. Relations With the Russians
4. Planning Date for End of War Against Japan
5. C. C. S. Machinery After the End of War Against Japan2
[Page 245]

[Editor’s Note.—The papers printed above reflect the status of discussions concerning the agenda for the Berlin Conference as of July 16, 1945, the date of President Truman’s arrival at the Conference site. In the course of Truman’s first meeting with Stalin on July 17, the Soviet Delegation requested that the following subjects be included on the agenda: Tangier, the Levant, disposition of the German navy and merchant marine, the Franco regime in Spain, the Polish question, reparations, trusteeship for the Soviet Union, and relationships with the former Axis satellite states. For a memorandum by Charles E. Bohlen listing these subjects, see volume II, page 46. At the First Plenary Meeting of the Conference later on July 17, Stalin reiterated the desire of the Soviet Delegation to have these questions discussed, making it clear that by “reparations” he meant reparations from both Germany and Italy. See volume II, page 55.

The Heads of Government, although they discussed “the agenda” and spoke of adding subjects to “the agenda”, never established the agenda formally or inflexibly. There was therefore no restriction on the introduction of other subjects for discussion as the Conference progressed. For a list of the subjects actually discussed during the Conference, either on a tripartite basis or in bilateral conversations in which the United States Delegation took part, see the table of contents in volume II.]

  1. i. e., at 2:30 p.m.
  2. The United States Chiefs of Staff commented on this program as follows in a memorandum of July 16 (C. C. S. 880/10), which was approved by the Combined Chiefs of Staff at their 193d Meeting, July 16 (see vol. ii, p. 36):

    “1. The program suggested by C. C. S. 880/9 is satisfactory, subject to such rearrangement of subjects as may later appear desirable, except that:—

    • a. No dates should be specified for the meetings, as such cannot be determined at this time.
    • b. Whether discussion of Russian participation will prove appropriate or necessary remains to be determined. This item has been left on the agenda pending firm determination in light of later developments.
    • c. It is presumed that item 3 of the 4th Meeting, as listed in the Enclosure to C. C. S. 880/9 refers to the subject matter of C. C. S. 884/2 [document No. 614] and that the title of this item should be the same as the title of that paper, ‘Information for the Russians Concerning the Japanese War.’ ”