740.0011 E. W./7–945: Telegram
No. 133
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Acting Secretary of State
us urgent
6879. Downing Street has provided us with full list of Brit delegation to meeting.1 (See your 5409, July 31).
Churchill will be accompanied by daughter Mary and personal staff of twelve. Attlee is going. FonOff delegation principals as in our 6566, June 292 with addition F. [sic] J. G. Ward who has been to several big meetings. Hayter is Secretary General FonOff delegation.
Other principals are Lord Leathers, Admiral Sir Andrew Cunningham, Field Marshal Sir Alan Brooke, Marshal of RAF Sir Charles Portal, Sir Edward Bridges, Sir Hastings Ismay, Field Marshals Alexander and Wilson, General Gammell, Sir Walter Monckton (Solicitor General)[,] Lord Cherwell (Paymaster General formerly Professor Lindemann) and Colonel Sir Eric Crankshaw (in charge of catering and general hospitality).
Staff of interpreters is headed by Major A. Birse for PriMin and Major L. M. Theakstone who is Secretary.
Total Brit delegation will be approximately 250 in number.
Full list by airmail also to Murphy.
This telegram plus names of principals of FonOff delegation repeated to Murphy as 26.
- Not printed.↩
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- Document No. 108.↩