
  • Achával, Guillermo de, 5n , 7, 8
  • Acheson, Dean, 153, 167, 348349, 509510, 632, 633, 731, 732, 1034, 1035, 1627
  • Acosta García, Julio, 1111n , 1112
  • Aguilar, Manuel, 1296, 1299, 1307, 1310
  • Aguirre, Col. Osmin, 11011110 passim, 1143
  • Alamillo Flores, Gen. Luis, 1191, 1196
  • Alessandri Palma, Arturo, 692, 699
  • All America Cables (see also under Argentina: Communications), 855863 passim
  • Allen, Douglas H., 603610, 612613
  • Alvarez Fuentes, Germán, 987, 988
  • American Association of Railways, 12531256
  • Amezaga, Juan José, 2, 16, 63, 73, 322323
  • Andrade, Victor, 442, 487, 487n , 488, 493495, 516, 11461147
  • Arana, Maj. Francisco Javier, 1141, 1142, 1148
  • Aranha, Oswaldo, 19, 228, 256, 277278, 435, 456465 passim, 559, 560, 575, 585, 601, 620, 624, 644, 645, 651, 1047, 1048
  • Arbenz Guzmán, Jacobo, 1141, 1148
  • Arévalo, Juan José, 1141, 1152
  • Argaña, Luis A., 296, 296n , 297, 298, 1470, 1470n , 1482, 1482n , 1491, 1491n , 1494n , 1497
  • Argentina (see also Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense, and under Chapultepec Conference), 228426
    • Axis activities, and U.S. efforts to obtain cooperation of Ramírez Government in combatting (see also Espionage cases, infra), 228252
      • Action or statement by U.S. and British Governments, contemplated, 228231, 232, 233, 234235
      • Break of relations by Argentina with the Axis:
        • Announcements of, 240, 247
        • Exchange of officials and non-officials, 244246
        • Initial discussions and assurances from Argentina, 231235
        • Measures by Argentina to implement break, U.S. insistence on, 232, 233, 235, 238240, 243246, 249251; Argentine reaction, 242243
        • Position of Argentina in making decision to break relations, 248249
        • Pressure on Argentina as cause of break, theory concerning, 246247, 250
        • Publicity regarding, 235, 237238, 240
      • Nazi espionage in Argentina, 231, 234, 248, 249250, 304305; Hellmuth spy-ring case, 231, 233, 238239, 242, 246247, 379
      • Proclaimed List firms: Evidences of Argentine assistance to, 236237, 251, 302303, 318; removal of two banks from List, question of, 241242, 247, 251
      • Sanctions against Argentina, question of, 229, 251252
    • Buenos Aires (tanker), question of use of in the American service, 231, 240, 250
    • Communications with the Axis, U.S. concern with severance of and with domination of communication facilities and the press sought by the Argentine Government, 391409
      • All America Cables, Argentine demands of and actions against, 392, 395397, 398400, 404407
      • Italian cables, discontinuance of use of, 393
      • Severance of communications with Axis, 394395
      • Suppression of freedom of the press and radio news broadcasts: Decrees providing for control of Argentine press, 392393, 393394, 400401, 404; restrictions against foreign news agencies, 397, 400, 401404
      • Transradio Internacional Argentina: Argentine desire to use transmitters of company for propaganda purposes, 407408; U.S. concern regarding activities of, 408409
    • Copper, importation from Chile, 282, 412, 706, 718719, 720721, 723724, 727728
    • Espionage cases, U.S. concern regarding Argentine handling of, 377391
      • Address broadcast by President Ramírez on need to prevent ideological infiltration, 377378
      • Arrests of Axis spies and military and naval attachés: Information concerning, 377, 384389, 391; U.S. Embassy’s tabulation of, 389391
      • Communications between Argentina and Axis countries: By German news agencies, 388; by radio, 380, 383, 386, 388389; by use of ships and airlines, 387
      • Nazi espionage activities in Argentina, 231, 234, 248, 249250, 304305; Hellmuth spy-ring case, 231, 233, 238239, 242, 246247, 379
      • Submission of evidence to Argentine Government, question of, U.S. and British positions and actions, 379384
    • Farrell regime, and question of recognition by United States and other countries, 252288
      • Circumstances and events surrounding takeover of Presidency by Farrell and resignation of Ramírez, 252253, 257, 258, 262264
      • May 25 celebrations, significance in connection with recognition question, 267, 271, 272, 273, 273274
      • Policies of Farrell regime (see also U.S. withholding of recognition, infra): Denial of accusations and rumors of pro-Nazi activities, 285286; evidences of aid to German firms, 286287; general lines of policy and desire for recognition, 255, 257258, 258259, 268, 274275
      • Position of Brazil, 256, 277278; Peru, 254; United Kingdom, 262, 265266, 277, 279
      • Signs of deterioration in situation of regime late in year, 287288
      • U.S. withholding of recognition:
        • British cooperation with United States, 262, 265266, 277, 279
        • Determination of position and exchange of information with other American Republics, 253254, 254255, 256257, 259260, 264265, 267, 269, 273, 277278
        • Implementation of Argentine break with the Axis, U.S. insistence upon (see also Meetings, etc., infra): Argentine memorandum on actions taken, and comments of U.S. Chargé, 279284; minimum conditions for recognition, suggestion of U.S. Ambassador concerning, 277278
        • Meetings of U.S. Ambassador with officials of regime, suggestions for and results of, 260262, 271273, 274, 275278
        • Program of action for solution of Argentine question, proposed, 266269
        • Recall of U.S. Ambassador for consultation, 278n , 278279
        • U.S. Treasury freeze, proposed, 269270, 284
    • Policy of United States and other countries toward. See U.S. efforts, etc., infra.
    • Press and radio. See Communications with the Axis, supra.
    • Proclaimed List. See under Axis activities, supra.
    • Ramírez Government. See Axis activities, and Espionage cases, supra.
    • Relations with Bolivia, and recognition of the revolutionary junta in Bolvia, 427428, 435, 443, 461462, 463, 481, 509510
    • Relations with Chile, conspiratorial activity against Chilean Government, 708, 709, 713, 718
    • Relations with Uruguay (see also under Uruguay: Exports from United States), 14, 677678, 1591, 1600, 16001601
    • Trade and shipping problems arising in U.S. relations with Argentina, 409426
      • Copper orders and shipments from Chile to Argentina, U.S. attitude, 412
      • French vessels taken over by Argentina, French request for return of, and U.S. position, 425426
      • Military equipment, steps taken to terminate shipment of maintenance and repair parts to Argentine armed forces, 420421
      • Transshipment of cargoes from Buenos Aires to Montevideo, U.S. measures to prevent, 422
      • U.S. economic policy toward Argentina:
        • Certificates of necessity system and consignee control procedures, 410412, 413, 416419, 425
        • Complaints of American exporters against export restrictions, 409410
        • Discussions concerning possible modification, and proposed U.S.-British collaboration in embargo measures, 412416
        • U.S. revised program of export controls and reduction of imports, 420424, 425; Argentine press reaction, 424425
    • U.S. efforts to enlist American Republics and United Kingdom in a common policy toward Argentina, 288377
      • Early consideration of possible actions to be taken, political and economic: Initial discussions with the British, 288291; suggestions of Ambassador Armour, 307308
      • Economic actions:
        • British discussions with United States (see also British meat purchases, infra), 288289, 337, 342344, 347548, 351352, 361362, 367370
        • British meat purchases from Argentina, U.S. suggestions and British position, 337, 342, 343, 347, 349350, 351, 362363; Roosevelt-Churchill exchange of messages concerning, 333334, 363364, 365367, 371
        • Export policy of United States toward Argentina, revision of, 348349, 355356, 358359, 360, 420422; British position, 368370
        • Freezing of Argentine funds by United States, consideration of, 289, 342343, 347348
        • Reduction of U.S. purchases from Argentina, plans for, and discussions with the British concerning, 337, 343344, 347, 368
        • Re-exportation of American goods to Argentina, U.S. concern over illicit traffic in, 350351; cooperation of Mexico, Chile, and Venezuela relative to, 353355, 359, 364365
        • U.S. Chargé’s summary of evidences of breakdown in cooperation on economic actions, 371375; suggestions for effective action, 375377
      • Good Neighbor Policy, observations of a U.S. official on merits of, 324326; proposal for a conference of Foreign Ministers, 326327
      • Recognition issue:
        • Accession of Farrell to Presidency, facts concerning, and U.S. communication with American Republics relative to (see also Position, etc., infra), 291294, 295, 300301
        • Approaches of United States based on hemispheric solidarity (see also Position, etc., infra), 310312, 313314, 315320
        • Background information on Axis activities in Argentina and Argentine aid to Axis interests, 301305, 318319
        • Concurrence of American Republics in U.S. press statement of July 26 on non-recognition, 334n , 336337, 346; question of issuance of supporting statements, 341, 342, 344345, 352
        • May 25 celebrations, question of attendance by diplomatic representatives, 308310, 311, 312313
        • “Mediation” offers from certain American Republics to United States, U.S. attitude, 335336
        • Position of American Republics in response to U.S. approaches (see also Recall of Chiefs of Mission, infra): Bolivia, 341342; Brazil, 299, 307, 336, 344; Chile, 294295, 297, 305307, 321; Columbia, 299, 300, 314315, 344; Costa Rica, 299, 336; Cuba, 299, 344; Mexico, 309, 310, 312313, 336, 344345, 352353; Panama, 299, 336; Paraguay, 296298, 341; Peru, 299, 309, 310, 336, 344; Uruguay, 307, 308, 322323; Venezuela, 299, 344
        • Recall of Chiefs of Mission for consultation, U.S. proposal and attitude of other countries, 320, 321322, 323324, 327333, 340341; recall of U.S. Ambassador for consultation, 320, 322
        • Status of diplomatic corps of American Republics in Buenos Aires as of June 1944, 320
        • United Kingdom: Discussions with United States and differences in interpretation of act of recognition, 289290, 298, 334, 337341, 345347; question of attendance of U.S. and British Military Attachés at Argentine military maneuvers, 359360
      • Statement by British Prime Minister Churchill, Aug. 2, and U.S. response, 337338
      • Statement by President Roosevelt, Sept. 29, 356357; reaction in Argentina, 357358
  • Argüello Vargas, Mariano, 1105n , 1107
  • Ariaga, Claudio, 688n
  • Armament distribution to the American Republics, general policy of United States on continuance of, 87104
    • Lend-Lease agreements with the Republics: Revision of agreements, recommendations for, 9094, 9697; staff conversations with military and naval authorities of the Republics, suggestions for conduct of, 9496; statement of policy of State, War, and Navy Departments and Joint Chiefs of Staff concerning the supplying of Lend-Lease materials, 9798
    • Report by Joint Army and Navy Advisory Board on American Republics, Dec. 1943, revising Board’s memorandum of Mar. 1941, 8792
    • Requests for materials under Lend-Lease or for cash: Control over allocations, problem of, 99100; foreign policy considerations, 101104
  • Armendáriz del Castillo, Mariano, 2, 18, 23, 467, 467n
  • Armenteros, Carlos F. de, 935n
  • Armour, Norman, 46, 47, 118129 passim, 170, 223224, 320, 11391140, 1514
  • Arnett, Hamilton, 1254, 1272
  • Arnold, Gen. Henry H., 11821187 passim, 1197
  • Arroyo del Río, Carlos A., 225, 1037n , 10371043 passim, 1053, 1061, 1063, 1078
  • Arroyo Lameda, Eduardo, 2n , 18, 23
  • Arze Quiroga, Eduardo, 480
  • Ashton, Anthony, 470n
  • Associated Press, 397, 400, 403
  • Asylum, U.S. policy, 10891095, 1098
  • Atlantic Charter, 72, 1095, 1096, 16691672
  • Atterberry, Phil R., 512513
  • Avila, Arturo Ramón, 1092n
  • Avila, Julio Enrique, 1099, 1102
  • Avila Camacho, Manuel, 1182n , 11821198 passim, 12071214 passim, 1241, 1285, 1340, 1341, 1345, 1350
  • Azarola-Gil, Luis Enrique, 307n
  • Baldivieso, Enrique, 453454, 457, 462, 463, 480, 487n , 526
  • Ballivian, René 485, 486, 495, 496, 505
  • Baquedano Lira, Luis, 794n , 796, 801
  • Barber, Willard F., 512, 1031n
  • Bateman, Alan M., 724725, 1521, 1522, 1571, 1572
  • Batista, Fulgencio, 910, 912, 913n , 926929, 944, 973981 passim, 989, 1009n
  • Belt, Guillermo, 918, 945, 988
  • Beltrán, Pedro, 72n , 1521, 1585, 1590
  • Benavides, Marshal Oscar, 254
  • Berle, Adolf A., Jr., 100, 192, 195, 201, 383, 539, 543545, 546, 557, 577578, 592, 687, 800, 893, 902, 911, 1154, 1194, 1231, 1303, 1304, 1305, 1311, 1328, 1331, 1406, 1435, 1511, 1512, 1676
  • Bickford, Col. Charles, 188
  • Biddle, Francis, 12771278, 1280, 1281, 1288, 1289, 1289n
  • Bishop, E. M., 12521253
  • Blanco, Juan Carlos, 327n , 465, 678, 1591, 1595, 1606
  • Boal, Pierre de L., 440, 478, 480
  • Bolivia, 427542
    • Bohan economic mission, 437, 446
    • Bolivian Development Corporation, 446, 474, 484485, 523, 524, 526, 537542
    • Cochabamba–Santa Cruz highway project, beginnings of, 537542
      • Bolivian application for U.S. support of project, 537539
      • Consultations between Department of State, War Production Board, Export-Import Bank, and Public Roads Administration, 539541
      • Financing tennis and conditions, 541542
    • Diplomatic relations with Soviet Union, consideration of, 170
    • Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense: Bolivian contention regarding scope of authority, 3; recognition of Villarroel regime by other Republics following consultation in accordance with Committee resolutions, 4, 12, 18
    • Expropriation and replacement of Axis firms, efforts looking toward, 514537
      • Banking facilities, and granting of foreign exchange to Axis firms, Bolivian policy, 515516
      • Decrees concerning, 514, 516, 518, 529530, 536
      • Financial procedures, and question of financial assistance from United States, 517518, 522526, 533534, 537
      • Measures outlined and assurances given by Bolivia for implementing program, 526527, 528529, 532, 536537
      • Proclaimed List firms:
        • Assets and capital investments, questions relative to, 519520, 521522, 527528
        • U.S. and British policy regarding continuation of Proclaimed and Statutory Lists after end of hostilities in Europe, 520521, 531532; (situation in Bolivia, 532533, 534536
    • Financial transactions involving Axis, U.S. efforts to secure cooperation of Bolivian Government for control of. See Expropriation, etc., supra.
    • Magruder Commission, 436, 437, 446
    • Recognition of new governments in Guatemala and El Salvador, question of, 11461147, 11501151
    • Relations with Argentina, 290, 342, 342n
    • Revolutionary Junta, question of recognition of, 427473
      • Argentine recognition and relations with Bolivia, 427428, 435, 443, 461462, 463, 481, 509510
      • Initial withholding of recognition except by Argentina:
        • British position, 441
        • Consultations among American Republics resulting in non-recognition, 429435, 439440, 443444, 448
        • Mexican proposal for a meeting, and U.S. attitude, 433, 438, 439440, 448449, 450
        • United States: Discontinuance of Lend-Lease shipments, and other actions based on non-recognition policy, 428429, 439, 440, 449, 450451; concern over financial transactions of Junta involving Axis firms, 444445; general position, 445448; statement issued to the press, 440441
      • Policies and purposes of the Junta, 436438, 442443
      • Recognition of reorganized Junta, and events leading to:
        • British extension of recognition, 470
        • Changes in government, and elections, 451453, 462, 471472
        • Deportation of Axis nationals, and other steps taken by government, 449450, 460, 462463, 464
        • Plots against the Junta, and relation to question of recognition, 453455, 463; abortive revolution of Nov. 19, 472473, 494495
        • Recommendation of U.S. Ambassador in Argentina, 307
        • Simultaneous extension of recognition by United States and other American Republics on June 23: Consultations and Mexican initiative leading to, 18, 465469; U.S. presentation of note to Bolivian Government, 471
        • Spain, position of, 470471
        • U.S. position and activities. See Simultaneous recognition, supra, and Warren, etc., infra.
        • Vatican, granting of recognition, 469470
        • Warren, Avra M., special trip to Bolivia to survey situation: Information concerning, and report, 455456, 457458, 460, 463465; reactions of Brazilian Foreign Minister, 456, 458459, 464465; recommendation for recognition, 461
    • Strategic materials, arrangements to procure from Bolivia for the United States, 473496
      • Minerals such as tungsten, antimony, copper, and lead, decrease of U.S. purchases, 479, 484, 487
      • Political situation in Bolivia, effect on U.S. procurement program, 473474, 477, 478480, 494
      • Quinine and cinchona bark, 474476, 478, 479, 480483, 484485
      • Rubber, 477, 478, 479
      • Tin, U.S. purchases, and negotiations for revision of tin contract, 477, 479, 480, 485496
      • U. S. concern over shipments of strategic materials to Argentina, 474, 475, 477, 478, 480483; Argentine pressure on Bolivian Junta, 480, 481, 483
    • Trade and shipping problems, discussions between Bolivia and United States concerning, 496513
      • Black market transactions in Bolivia, U.S. policy regarding, 507508
      • Control of U.S. exports to Bolivia:
        • Arrangements during period of U.S. non-recognition of Bolivian regime, 475, 476477, 496498, 502; problems of procedure under system of import recommendations, and suspension of Decentralization Plan, 475, 499500, 500502
        • Procedure following recognition of Bolivian Government, 502504, 505506
      • Lend-lease problems: Military equipment, question of shipment to Bolivia, 500, 510512; new regime’s assumption of Peñaranda government’s obligations for payment, 504505; U.S. statements of charges and payments due, 508509, 512513
      • Proclaimed and Confidential Lists, U.S. policy on use of, 506
      • Wheat shipments to Bolivia, Argentina’s reduction of, and U.S. efforts to secure shipment from Australia for Bolivia, 509510
  • Bonsal, Dudley B., 1201, 1203
  • Bonsal, Philip W., 180182, 214225 passim, 428, 429, 436438, 450, 459, 644, 677, 679, 805, 806, 926927, 928, 10051006, 1203, 12061207, 1591
  • Bosworth, Otis B., 873
  • Bouças, Valentim, 150, 152, 603, 606607, 609, 610, 628
  • Boundary disputes between—
    • Ecuador and Peru, 213
    • Honduras and Nicaragua:
      • Mediation Commission, status and previous activities of, 213, 217221
      • U.S. efforts to bring about settlement of dispute: Discussions with Honduran and Nicaraguan Presidents and Honduran Foreign Minister, 213217, 222224; political situation and other internal conditions in Honduras and Nicaragua causing delay in negotiations, 223, 224227
  • Bowers, Claude G., 693, 697698, 711, 715n , 775776, 781782, n, 789791, 801802
  • Bowles, Chester, 164, 166, 629630
  • Boyd, Augusto, 1431, 1432
  • Braden, Spruille, 111112, 899, 920921, 928n , 988
  • Bragdon, Gen. John S., 574, 575
  • Brazil, 543672
    • Adherence to consultation principle on continental interests, 1, 5
    • Agreements with United States:
    • Brazilian Expeditionary Force, U.S. Brazilian arrangements for sending to Mediterranean theater of operations, 566567
    • Chapultepec Conference, views on proposal for, 56, 70
    • Coffee crop, U.S. Brazilian negotiations on disposal of (see also Inter-American Coffee Board), 617642
      • Agreement of Oct. 1942 for U.S. purchase of coffee, negotiations leading to cancellation by exchange of letters, May 8 and June 21, 619, 620626, 627628, 628n
      • Price ceilings for coffee in United States, Brazilian efforts to obtain increase in, and U.S. position, 624, 628630, 640, 641642
      • Rationing of coffee in United States, possible resumption and U.S. Brazilian cooperation in avoidance of, 617618, 619, 634, 637, 639640
      • Sale and delivery of coffee to United States for Army and civilian use, Memorandum of Understanding signed July 4, and question of Brazilian compliance, 632636, 637638, 641
      • Shipping space for transportation of Brazilian coffee to United States, U.S. efforts to provide, 623, 626627, 631, 640
    • Defense supplies and equipment for Brazil, discussions concerning, 567600
      • Clearances for shipment of merchandise to Brazil, question of, 589590
      • Construction equipment: Brazil’s desire to purchase surplus U.S. Army equipment, negotiations regarding, 573574, 574576, 582583; U.S. proposal for installation and operation, and Brazil’s acceptance of terms, 586589
      • Exchange of messages between Presidents Roosevelt and Vargas, 574
      • Lend-Lease: Deliveries and payment due, 581582, 590591, 593594; proposed supplemental agreement for needs of Brazilian Expeditionary Force, 593, 594595, 598
      • Military equipment, Brazilian requests and items assigned, 567571, 585586
      • Naval vessels: Brazilian requests for and U.S. position regarding, 569, 571572; patrol of the South Atlantic by Brazilian Navy, 591; President Roosevelt’s assurance of consideration of Brazil’s needs, 583585; U.S. naval vessels in South Atlantic, 592593
      • Radio stations in Brazil, negotiations concerning postwar use of, 596598
      • Trucks, buses, and fuel: Brazilian requests for and discussions concerning, 572, 576578, 580581, 590, 592, 595596; U.S. allocation of reconditioned trucks, 578579, 585; War Production Board’s proposal for 1945 allocation, 599600
    • Joint Brazil-United States Defense Commission, 558, 577
    • Jurisdiction in criminal matters over U.S. military personnel in Brazil, question of, 600603
    • Military aviation agreement with United States, by exchange of notes, signed June 14, 543566
      • Negotiations, preparations for and information concerning, 543552, 554560; President Roosevelt’s directives with regard to, 546547, 550
      • Postwar military bases, questions relative to, 550, 551, 552554
      • Text of agreement, 560565
      • U.S. invitation to Brazil for bilateral exploratory conversations on postwar aviation, 565566
    • Postwar defense in the Americas, staff conversations on, 123125
    • Relations with Argentina, 228, 230, 232, 233, 256, 277278, 288, 290, 299, 307, 336, 344, 373
    • Rubber, U.S.-Brazilian discussions and agreements, 603617
      • Agreement for a price premium over the “Fixed Price” of 1942 agreements: Acceptance by Commission for the Control of the Washington Accords, 606607; text of agreement, 603606
      • Price premium period, question of extension of, 610611, 612613
      • Quotas, modification of those established by 1942 agreement, 616617
      • Synthetic rubber, agreement concerning increased use of in Brazilian rubber industry: Negotiations and terms of agreement, 608612, 613614; text of exchange of notes, Dec. 22, 614618
      • Tires, regulations concerning, 607608
    • Shipping problems, U.S.-Brazilian cooperation with respect to, 642650
      • Agreement for U.S. return of chartered ships to Brazil for use in coastwise shipping, by exchange of notes signed Apr. 14: Measures taken by Brazil under terms of, 649650; negotiations and authorization for exchange of notes, 642643, 646, 648, 649, 649n ; text of agreement, 646648
      • Brazilian merchant vessels lost by enemy action, question of replacement, 644, 645646, 648649
      • Coal shipments from Brazil to Argentina, U.S. concern regarding, 644645
    • Trade control methods of Brazil, discussions regarding, 650672
      • Bank of Brazil’s adoption of measure for approval of exchange applications by the Carteira de Exportação e Importação. See Import-exchange permits, infra.
      • Decentralization Plan: Discontinuance requested by American Chambers of Commerce in Brazil, 650651; U.S. proposal for modification of controls, 652655
      • Import-exchange permits and other restrictive measures: Information and discussions concerning, 656657, 661663, 667668, 670672; observations and apprehensions of U.S. Government, 657661, 665667; U.S. Embassy’s note to Foreign Ministry, 668670
      • Trade Agreement with United States (1935), exploratory discussions on replacement by a new agreement, 651652, 655656, 670, 672
      • U.S. policy of equality of treatment for all American Republics in connection with imports from United States, 663664
  • Brett, Gen. George H., 686, 804808 passim, 818, 820, 10221026 passim 1062, 1429n , 14291450 passim
  • Briggs, Ellis O., 99, 100, 209211, 10251026
  • Brown, Courtney C., 949950
  • Brown, R. L., 1263, 1265, 12711273
  • Brownlee, Roland H., 1419, 1421
  • Buford, C. H., 1296, 1298
  • Bulgaria, 247
  • Bustamante, Ramón Arturo, 11131118 passim, 1127
  • Butrick, Richard P., 679680
  • Byrnes, James F., 164, 349, 637, 639640, 927, 1320
  • Caballero Escobar, 138, 807, 808, 841842
  • Cabot, John M., 220221, 888890, 10251027, 1117, 1136, 1144, 1393, 1426
  • Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 343
  • Caffery, Jefferson, 124125, 544545, 554, 557, 561, 569570, 577, 580588, 637n
  • Calderón Guardia, Rafael Angel, 883
  • Cale, Edward G., 147148, 150157 passim, 160162, 165166, 167168, 633
  • Calvo, Col. Tito, 10901098 passim
  • Camargo, Mario, 139, 140, 155, 156, 157
  • Campbell, Sir Ronald I., 338340, 342, 347, 369, 370
  • Campos, Gen. Alfredo R., 1592n , 1600, 1602, 1607
  • Campos, Raúl, 1263, 1265
  • Canada, newsprint distribution in Uruguay, 16121613, 1613, 1616
  • Cárdenas, Gen. Lázaro, 1193, 1193n , 1337, 1340, 1344, 1345
  • Cardenas, Raúl de, 978
  • Carías Andino, Tiburcio, 214n , 221227 passim, 1105, 1149
  • Caribbean land-sea route through Haiti and Dominican Republic, discussion concerning completion of, 204211
  • Carrigan, John Willard, 12391240, 12411242, 12461247, 12691270
  • Casanova, José, 942, 949, 957
  • Casas Rodríguez, César M., 954n
  • Castellanos Rivas, Crescendo, 1089, 1091
  • Castillo, José del, 431, 470n
  • Castillo, Ramón S., 259
  • Castillo Nájera, Francisco, 28n , 43, 1188, 1299, 1301
  • Castiñeiras, Luis S., 296n
  • Castro, Hector David, 1117n
  • Céspedes, Augusto de, 428, 431, 442, 449
  • Chacón, Gustavo, 70, 487n , 494, 526, 526n , 1150
  • Chalmers, Philip O., 585, 599600
  • Chapultepee Conference, 1945, U.S. negotiations with other American Republics preliminary to, 2786
    • Argentina’s request to Governing Board of Pan American Union for a hearing on its international position:
      • Desire of United States for consultation with other Republics, 2728, 30, 3034, 38
      • Position of other Republics, and consideration of request in over-all plans for a Conference. See Mexican initiative. Position of the various Republics, and Procedure, infra.
      • Text of request, 3033; Governing Board’s postponement of action on, 75
      • U.S. final proposal for disposition of, 8182, 84, 85
    • Mexican initiative in proposing a Conference, 2829, 3942; U.S. support of, and further negotiations with Mexico, 3436, 4246, 4753, 5455, 7982, 8386
    • Panaman proposal, 5860
    • Position of the various Republics and exchange of views with United States:
    • Procedure for calling of conference, U.S. recommendations: Agenda items, 83; date and place of Conference, 83, 86; statement of recommendations, based on progress of exchange of views among Republics, 6466, 8085; summary of favorable responses from Republics, 86
  • Chase National Bank, 10301035
  • Chávez y González, Msgr. Luis, 1095n
  • Chiappe, Miguel A., 13, 23, 25
  • Chile, 673802
    • Attitude toward resolution of the Committee for Political Defense regarding recognition of governments instituted by force, 5, 6, 10
    • Axis espionage agents in Chile, efforts to counteract the work of, 788802
      • Clandestine radio stations in Chile (see also Nazi spy rings, infra): Information concerning, and question of judicial action against, 789792, 793, 795, 798; U.S. furnishing to Chilean authorities of intercepted coded messages broadcast from Chile, 798800
      • Nazi spy rings, evidences of activities, and information as to arrests and prosecutions, 792798, 800802
      • Visit of U.S. Navy cruiser to Chile in demonstration of U.S. solidarity with Chile, 788789
    • Chapultepec Conference, views on proposal for, 4647, 54, 56, 71, 7374
    • Diplomatic relations with Soviet Union, consideration of, 170171, 699700
    • Entry into war against the Axis, U.S. suggestion and Chilean position, 691700; political hurdles in Chilean Senate, 693694, 697698, 699700
    • Hemisphere defense, efforts to secure cooperation between United States and Chile on certain measures for, 673691
      • Aircraft, air bases, and facilities: Chilean requests for, 674677, 683684; construction of airfields in Chile, question of, 678, 683, 685686, 687, 689
      • Lend-Lease: Chilean reaction to supplies received, 673674, 683; shipment of equipment to counteract effect on Chile of Argentine situation, U.S. consideration of, 677680, 685; status of Chilean Lend-Lease account, and payments due, 682, 684685, 687688
      • Military and naval matériel, Chilean requests and U.S. decisions on, 676, 678681
      • Patrol of Chilean coast and Strait of Magellan, 675
      • Staff conversations to explore questions of defense, 678, 686, 688689
      • U.S. Naval Mission in Chile, U.S. willingness to send mission in response to Chilean request, 690691
    • International financial transactions, interest of U.S., British, and Canadian Governments in securing Chilean cooperation in imposing controls over, 753788
      • Enemy property and assets: Chilean decrees on control of, and U.S. suggestions regarding implementation, 753767; liquidation of Banco Alemán Transatlántico and Banco Germanico de la America del Sud, Chilean decree and plans for procedure, 753, 755756, 757759, 778779; seizure of dollar currency by Chile from Axis agents, U.S. views regarding, 768770
      • Insurance business: Chilean actions for eliminating Axis influence from, 762766, 771, 784785; insurance control pool to handle Proclaimed List firms, consideration of factors involved, 766768, 770773; liquidation of German insurance companies by Chilean decree, 784785
      • Proclaimed and Statutory Lists (see also Insurance business, supra):
        • Classification of firms and individuals for possible deletion from Lists, 759762, 780781, 782784, 785786; joint memorandum of American, British, and Canadian Embassies in Chile regarding, 786788
        • Lack of support for expropriation program from Chilean fiscal bodies, British complaint of, 779780
        • Steps taken by Chile on liquidation or expropriation of Axis firms, 773774, 775, 786, 16381639
        • Withdrawal of List following cessation of hostilities in Europe, question of, 774778, 781782
    • Relations with and position regarding Argentina, 10n , 1112, 2324, 112, 269, 290, 294295, 297, 305309, 321, 323, 373, 708, 709
    • Strategic materials, negotiations to procure from Chile for United States, 701738
      • Copper:
        • Chagres and Naltagua contracts, expiration of, 735737
        • Export of Chilean copper to Argentina, U.S. concern regarding, 706, 718719, 720721, 723724, 727728
        • Financial assistance from American copper companies on Chilean interest obligations, Chilean proposal and U.S. views on, 731734
        • Price negotiations, 709710, 720, 722, 725, 726
        • Termination of U.S.-Chilean Agreement of Aug. 1943, U.S. proposal and negotiations leading to, 705707, 713715, 723, 728730; relation to Argentine situation, 718, 720721, 723, 728
        • U.S. copper purchases in various countries, reports of, 738
      • Ferro-alloys, shipments from Chile to Argentina, 737
      • Gold ores and concentrates, 734
      • Manganese purchases in Chile, 701703, 703704, 710, 716717, 719, 722, 726
      • Newsprint, question of U.S. allocation of wood pulp quotas to Chile, 711, 712714
      • Nitrates, U.S. purchases of, 713, 726
      • Stockpiles of certain minerals and metals, U.S. proposals concerning reduction of prices and purchases, 704705, 710, 711, 712, 715717, 719720, 721723, 724725, 726727, 730; Chilean protests and reactions of Chilean public and Americans in Chile, 708709
    • Trade controls and shipping problems, discussions between United States and Chile regarding, 738752
      • Decentralization Plan, U.S. proposal for rollbacks in, and Chilean approval, 738742, 744745, 746, 748, 749750
      • Petroleum products: Chile’s over-consumption, and U.S. advocacy of curtailment in uses of, 743744, 745746, 751; quota quantities for Chile, discussions regarding, 744, 746747, 749, 751752
      • Tanker shortages, U.S. and Chilean actions regarding, 742743, 745747, 748749
    • United Nations Conference, question of inclusion of Chile, 699, 700
  • Chiriani, Juan Horacio, 71n , 1457, 1491n , 1501
  • Churchill, Winston S.: Exchange of messages with Roosevelt, 332, 333334, 363364, 365367, 371; policy toward Argentina and neutrals in postwar period, question of, 337338, 340, 357
  • Civil Aeronautics Administration, 545, 687
  • Clark, Gen. F. S., 10681069
  • Clark, Robert L., 1307
  • Coates, John D., 1313
  • Cochran, William P., Jr., 11071108
  • Coffee. See Inter-American Coffee Board; and under Brazil and Guatemala
  • Cofiño, Pedro G., 1167
  • Cohen, Benjamin, 470
  • Collado, Emilio G., 134135, 147, 624, 980981, 10321033, 12341237
  • Colombia, 803881
    • Agreements with United States:
      • Application of U.S. Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended, to Colombian citizens residing in United States, agreement by exchange of notes Jan. 27, 824
      • Strategic materials, agreement concerning procurement of, by exchange of notes June 16, 824
    • Chapultepec Conference, views on proposal for, 29, 3637, 56, 71, 7778
    • Communication problems between United States and Colombia, 851864
      • Colombian plans for formation of an official company consolidating all telecommunications in Colombia, 856, 859862; U.S. concern regarding, 862863
      • Radio interference to reception in United States from stations in Colombia, 851852, 852853, 854855, 856859, 863864
      • Telecommunication rates agreement negotiated with United States by exchange of notes, and Colombia’s non-acceptance of, 852, 852n , 853854, 855856, 860861, 863
    • Defense questions, discussions between United States and Columbia concerning, 803824
      • Aviation: Colombia’s requests for airplanes, and U.S. recommendations for allotment of, 805, 806, 808809; combat duty for Colombian aviators and training of pilots, question of, 809810, 811; U.S. policy on delivery of training planes versus combat planes, 820821
      • Enemy nationals, internment of, 806808
      • Lend-Lease: Colombian concern over Lend-Lease assistance to Peru, 810811, 814; military equipment and planes desired by Colombia, and items approved, 803806, 808809; rifles and ammunition for the national police force, Colombian request for, and U.S. views, 812813, 814n , 815819, 820, 822824; status of accounts and payment due, 811812, 819820
      • U.S. policy of granting arms and munitions to South American countries, Colombia’s anxiety regarding, 813814, 821822
    • Financial transactions involving the Axis, efforts of United States and Colombian Governments to control, 832850
      • Drug and chemical firms, question of replacement of Axis interests in, 834839, 840841, 848850
      • Enemy property and assets, economic and financial control of: Blocking of Axis funds, U.S. position regarding, 846848; decree of Dec. 30, 1943, seeking indemnification from property of German nationals for damages due to state of belligerency with Germany, 832834; liquidation or nationalization of Axis enterprises, 834836, 849850
      • Foreign exchange resources, remittance of funds for Colombian nationals in enemy-occupied territory and reciprocally from Germany for Axis nationals in Colombia, U.S. concern regarding Colombian actions, 841842, 850
      • Proclaimed List: Deletion of Banco Francés e Italiano, question of, 843845; deletion of Colombian nationals from List after elimination of German firms, U.S. proposal for, 848, 849n ; inclusion of persons dealing in sale or rental of residential property of Proclaimed List nationals, U.S. views regarding, 839840, 845846; passage of expropriation law, 1639
    • Jurisdiction of Colombian courts in cases of claims against U.S. Government agencies, question of, 864881
      • Immunity from local Colombian courts’ jurisdiction over official agencies wholly owned and controlled by U.S. Government, U.S. and Colombian positions regarding, 866872, 878; lawsuits against Foreign Economic Administration, Institute of Inter-American Affairs, and Rubber Development Corporation, 865880
      • Insurance coverage in civil suits against U.S. Government agencies operating in Colombia, question of, 864866
      • U.S. suggestion regarding settlement out of court of claims against agencies carrying on commercial business in Latin American countries, 880881
    • Relations with Argentina, 299, 300, 314315, 344
    • Trade controls, discussions with United States regarding, 825832
      • Importation of commodities from United States, U.S. proposals for simplification of controls, 825827
      • Waiver of U.S. most-favored-nation rights in respect of tariff preferences granted by Colombia to neighboring countries, Colombia’s request for and U.S. position, 827832
  • Combined Chiefs of Staff, 567
  • Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), 938955 passim, 996
  • Concheso, Aurelio F., 926, 972, 973, 981, 986, 1004, 1006
  • Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, 447448, 663, 853, 869870, 873, 11731174, 12341236
  • Copper. See under Chile: Strategic materials.
  • Corbett, J. C., 498
  • Corrigan, Frank P., 218, 219, 464
  • Costa du Rels, Adolfo, 443
  • Costa Rica, 882891
    • Acceptance of resolution of the Committee for Political Defense regarding recognition of governments instituted by force, 56
    • Agreement with United States by exchange of notes May 22 and 29, approving memorandum agreement signed May 20, respecting temporary migration of agricultural workers of Costa Rica, 891
    • Chapultepec Conference, views on proposal for, 56, 71
    • Financial difficulties affecting American interests, 882891
      • Default on American-owned bonds, U.S. suggestion for conversations between Costa Rican Government and Foreign Bondholders Protective Council. 882883
      • Export-Import Bank loan to Costa Rica under agreement of July 9, 1942, question of postponement of amortization of principal by amendatory agreement of Sept. 28, 1944, 885891; final approval of amendatory agreement, 890, 891
      • National economy of Costa Rica, review of status and involvements of, 882885, 890891; question of financial reforms, 886, 888, 890
    • Relations with Argentina, 299, 336; with El Salvador, 11111112
  • Crespo, Alberto, 524
  • Crowley, Leo T., 360, 474475, 593, 914915, 917918, 1200, 1202, 1412, 1459, 1528
  • Cruse, Col. Frederick, 1393
  • Cuadros, José 462
  • Cuba, 8921012
    • Approval of resolution of the Committee for Political Defense regarding recognition of governments instituted by force, 6
    • Chapultepec Conference, views on proposal for, 40, 57
    • Claims of American nationals against Cuban Government, 910911, 912914, 916917, 974975
    • Concessionary rights of American-owned terminal companies in Cuba, controversy over infringement of by decrees issued by Cuban Maritime Commission, 9981012
      • Initial U.S. efforts on behalf of companies based on companies’ arguments and legal position, 998999; Cuban position and U.S. counter-arguments, 9991002
      • Role of courts, and court decisions in connection with, 1005, 10061007, 10091010
      • U.S. position (see also Initial U.S. efforts, supra):
        • Representations and protests to Cuban Government in support of companies’ contentions, 10021004, 10051006, 1007, 10081012; Cuban position, 1008
        • Suggestion for settlement by administrative action, 1011
    • Hemisphere defense, cooperation with United States regarding certain military measures for, 892905
      • Aids to navigation in Cuban harbors: Cuban consent to U.S. installation of, 892893; question of aids remaining in place after the war, 893895, 899, 903
      • Military air bases and facilities in Cuba, U.S. postwar requirements and consideration of an agreement, 900902, 903905
      • Military cooperation agreement of June 1942, action on claims under, 895896
      • Military jurisdiction over members of U.S. armed forces in Cuba, discussions concerning, 896898
    • Lend-Lease and other financial obligations to United States, Cuban arrears in, and U.S. efforts to settle, 905918
      • Claims of American nationals against Cuban Government, U.S. concern regarding nonpayment and proposal for a claims convention, 910911, 912914, 916917
      • Status of Lend-Lease account and request for payment due, 908910, 912, 914916, 917918; suspension of aid suggested by Foreign Economic Administrator, and Department of State’s opposition, 915, 916
    • Petroleum products imported into Cuba, U.S. interest in equitable distribution of, 958971
      • Basic allotments and question of increasing, 958959, 961962, 963964, 965, 966; U.S. special allotment of fuel oil to Cuba for use in 1944, 971
      • Gas oil supply situation, and gasoline-gas oil exchange program, 963964, 965966, 966967, 969970
      • National petroleum pool: Discussions regarding proposals for, problems, and question of participation of Cumex, 959961, 962963, 964965, 969, 971; resolution establishing, information concerning, 961, 967968
    • Public works projects, discussions concerning continuation of Export-Import Bank credit for, 972989
      • Habana municipal waterworks project, situation relative to and ultimate cancellation of $15,000,000 credit for, 980981, 988, 989
      • $25,000,000 credit under loan agreement of 1942:
        • Cancellation of credit, discussions as to possible desirability of, 972974, 975980, 981983; claims of American nationals, suggestion for settlement of as prerequisite for continuation of credit, 974975
        • Cuban liquidation of all advances received up to Sept. 30, 988989
        • Status as of July 14 of projects approved by Bank, 983985
      • Visit to Washington of President elect Grau San Martín for consultation on uncompleted projects, 986988
    • Recognition of Velasco Ibarra government in Ecuador, 17
    • Relations with Argentina, 299
    • Sugar crops, negotiations for U.S. purchase, and related efforts to stabilize food prices in Cuba, 919958
      • Agricultural diversification program with U.S. assistance, 934936
      • Molasses and industrial alcohol: Discussions leading to exchange of notes, Feb. 12, supplementary memorandum of Feb. 16, and contract of Apr. 1, 922929, 934; subsequent proposals and further discussion, 930933, 941, 951
      • Price control and rationing system of Cuba, deterioration of, 930, 936937
      • Price stabilization on basic foodstuffs, U.S. efforts to aid Cuba in, 919922, 929930, 943, 945946, 948, 949950; U.S. wheat flour export program for Cuba, 933934, 937938, 946, 948, 950, 954
      • Sugar purchase negotiations relating to Cuban crops, U.S. and Cuban sales-purchase contract proposals, 938945, 946948, 949, 951956; stalemate in negotiations, 957958
    • Taxation of U.S. Government agencies in Cuba, U.S. representations regarding, 990997
  • Curran, Thomas, 397, 401, 402, 403
  • Currie, Lauchlin, 358359
  • Danforth, Stephen, 650, 652
  • Dartigue, Maurice, 1169, 1170, 1179
  • Dasso, David, 1540, 1540n , 1579, 1582
  • Davis, Bainbridge C., 820822
  • Dawson, William, 1597
  • Declaration of the Principles of the Solidarity of America (Declaration of Lima) (1938), cited, 106, 106n , 695n
  • Defense, postwar. See Postwar defense in the Americas.
  • Delafield, Herbert, 136
  • Delafield, James, 150154 passim
  • Del Real, Gregorio, 10081012 passim
  • Denmark, relations with Argentina, 247248
  • Diago, Carlos, 936, 965966
  • Díaz, Adolfo, 1420n
  • Diaz Cruz, Mario, 918n
  • Dodd, Commodore Harold, 597, 598
  • Dodson, Raymond I., 656, 1412, 1459
  • Dominican Republic (see also Caribbean land-sea route, etc.), 10131035
    • Agreement with United States by exchange of notes, Dec. 17, 1943, and Feb. 11, 1944, approving a memorandum of understanding of Nov, 1, 1943, respecting the purchase of Dominican food surpluses, 1035
    • Approval of resolution of the Committee for Political Defense regarding recognition of governments instituted by force, 6
    • Chapultepec Conference, views on proposal for, 57
    • Loan plan designed to help the Dominican Republic to liquidate its bond issues under 1922 and 1926 loan contracts, discussion concerning acceptability of, 10281035
    • Recognition of Velasco Ibarra government in Ecuador, 17
    • Relations with Haiti (see also U.S. efforts, etc., infra), U.S. concern over indications of hostilities, 1016, 10181019
    • Trujillo administration, advisability of avoiding any action that might be interpreted as U.S. endorsement, discussion concerning, 10131027
      • Appraisal of Dominican political situation: Ambassador Briggs’ estimate of conditions in Dominican Republic and recommendation for nonendorsement of Trujillo regime, 10131021; favorable regard for Trujillo by U.S. military officers in the Caribbean, Ambassador’s position and support of State Department, 10211027
      • Trujillo’s policy of seeking friendly relations abroad to offset alleged unfriendly attitude of United States, 1027
      • Visit of Trujillo to Washington, question of possibility of, 1019
    • U.S. efforts to improve Dominican relations with Haiti, 172186
      • Centenary celebration of Dominican independence:
        • Frontier meeting between Presidents Trujillo and Lescot: Discussions and efforts to bring about, 173, 174, 175, 176, 182183; Leseot’s refusal to accept Trujillo’s invitation, 179; President Roosevelt’s personal interest in, 180182
        • Proposal for erection of a peace monument on Dominican-Haitian border (see also Frontier meeting, supra), 172174, 178, 183
      • President Roosevelt’s letters to Trujillo and Lescot urging the composing of differences, 184186
  • Donnelly, Walter J., 610n , 615617, 618
  • Dorado Chopitea, Carlos, 341342, 341n
  • Douglas, Col. Oscar Moscoso, 511, 512
  • Douglas, Percy, 12361237
  • Downing, Maj. Thomas G., 1401, 1401n , 1412
  • Duggan, Laurence, 170, 213214, 324327, 435, 444446, 447448, 449, 571, 673675, 816, 973, 10561057, 13011302, 13391342, 1372, 1392, 1396, 14311432, 1445n
  • Dutra, Gen. Eurico Gaspar, 601n
  • Easby, D. T., Jr., 869, 870
  • East, Julio L., 15151550 passim, 15701586 passim
  • Echandía, Darío, 36n , 3637, 77, 78, 120, 806, 810, 813, 823, 828, 838, 849, 873, 878
  • Echeverri, Luis Guillermo, 857n , 857858, 859862
  • Ecuador, 10361086
    • Attitude toward resolution of the Committee for Political Defense regarding recognition of governments instituted by force, 7
    • Boundary dispute with Peru, 213, 1061
    • Chapultepec Conference, views on proposal for, 34, 38, 57, 6970, 7577
    • Financial transactions involving the Axis, efforts of U.S. and Ecuadoran Governments to control, 10791086
      • Deportation of Axis nationals, U.S.-Ecuadoran cooperation concerning, 10791080
      • Proclaimed List deletions, and question of continued blocking of funds of persons and firms deleted from List, 10831085, 1638
      • Property and assets of enemy nationals (see also Proclaimed List deletions, supra): Cooperation of new Government in maintaining controls, 1081; disposition of frozen or controlled funds, 10801083, 10851086
    • Galapágos Islands, U.S. negotiations with Ecuador concerning the U.S. base on, 10521079
      • Discussions on drafts and counter drafts of Galapagos agreement, 10521055, 10561058, 1060, 10621064, 1066, 1067, 10701073
      • Military versus political nature of a Galápagos agreement, discussions on question of, 10671069
      • Postwar use of base and long-term rights, question of, 1054, 1056, 10611062, 1063, 10701071, 1073; offer of Ecuadoran Government, and U.S. consideration of, 10641066
      • Remarks of Senator Kenneth McKellar, 1074
      • Salinas, proposed negotiation of an agreement for a “participating base” at, 1061, 1066, 1067, 1075
      • U.S. preparation of a draft agreement for long-term lease of bases on Ecuadorian territory: Information concerning, 1073, 10751076, 1077; rejection of draft by Ecuadoran Constituent Assembly, 10771078; willingness of Ecuador to enter negotiations for a new agreement, 10781079
      • Wildlife preservation in the Archipelago: President Roosevelt’s interest in, and discussions regarding, 10551056, 10581059, 1071, 1073; U.S. completion of a draft agreement for, 1075, 10761077
    • Lend-Lease account with United States, status of, 10491051
    • Recognition by other Republics of the government of Velasco Ibarra. See Velasco Ibarra government, infra.
    • Relations with Argentina, 272, 290, 299, 314, 1065
    • Velasco Ibarra government, recognition by United States and other American Republics, 10361048
      • Revolution against Arroyo regime: Information concerning, 10361038; political refugees, question of asylum in diplomatic missions, and U.S. position regarding, 1037, 10381039, 1048; resignation of President Arroyo del Río, 1043
      • Takeover of government by Velasco Ibarra, and subsequent situation:
        • Assumption of Presidency and announcement of plans and policies, 10391040, 1040, 10411042, 1043, 1044
        • Recognition of new government: Consideration of question by United States and consultation with other American Republics, 1040, 1041, 1042, 10431046; extension of recognition by United States and other Republics, 1516, 17, 1046; unilateral action by Brazil, and U.S. views, 10471048
  • Eden, Anthony, 231n , 262, 298, 327, 330, 334, 340, 341, 343, 347348, 349, 361, 362, 363, 367370, 379, 441
  • Edgerton, Gen. Glenn E., 1437, 1441
  • Edwards, Col. Parmer W., 822, 1604, 1605
  • Egger, Roland A., 484, 514, 517, 526, 527, 538
  • Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D., 370n , 566
  • Ellis, Col. Daniel E., 688689
  • El Salvador, 10871131
    • Adherence to resolution of the Committee for Political Defense regarding recognition of governments instituted by force, 6
    • Loan contract of 1922, informal assistance by Department of State to representatives of holders of Salvadoran bonds under, 11131131
    • Political situation, and question of recognition of revolutionary regimes, 10871113
      • Aguirre regime. See Military takeover, infra.
      • Martínez regime, revolutionary movement against: Calvo incident, account of, and application of U.S. policy on asylum, 10891095, 1098; information concerning, 10871089, 10951096, 1100; resignation of President Martínez, 1097, 1099, 1100
      • Menéndez regime, reports concerning, and U.S. policy of full relations with, 1097, 10991101
      • Military takeover of Menéndez government and assumption of Presidency by Osmín Aguirre: Information on coup d’état and opinion of Salvadoran Supreme Court as to illegality of regime, 11011103, 1104, 1106, 1107; recognition of regime by Honduras and Nicaragua, 1105, 11061107, 1110; U.S. non-recognition of regime, and consultation with other American Republics, 11031104, 1104, 1105, 11071108, 11091113
      • Salvadoran government-in-exile in Guatemala City, 1108, 1109, 1110
      • U.S. policy of non-intervention, 10961097
      • U.S. policy regarding asylum, 10891095, 1098
    • Recognition of Velasco Ibarra government in Ecuador, 17
  • Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense, 126
    • Argentine break of relations with the Axis, Committee’s interest in reasons for implementation of, 79, 1415, 16
    • Argentine membership, question of, 1825; withdrawal of Argentina, and designation of Peru to fill vacancy, 24, 25
    • Recognition of governments instituted by force, resolution concerning:
      • Application to Argentina, 912; attitude of other Republics, 10, 11
      • Bolivian and Ecuadoran regimes, Committee’s role in connection with recognition of, 12, 1516, 17, 18, 429430, 433
      • Consultation and exchange of information prior to recognition, question of procedures for, 13, 35
      • Position of the various Republics, 3, 57
    • Refugee exchange, resolution concerning, 1314, 1718
    • U.S. position relative to publication of certain materials, 2526
  • Escobar, Adrian C., 249, 250251, 256, 261
  • Escobar Serrano, Héctor, 1126, 1127
  • Escudero, Gen. Oscar, 679, 680, 681
  • Espil, Felipe, 256, 260, 261, 262, 274, 275, 276
  • Espinel, Gen. Domingo, 803, 806n , 806, 810
  • Espinosa Mújica, Gen. Arturo, 674n
  • Espinoza, Rogelio, 1456n , 14561457, 1464, 1468, 1469, 1482, 1494
  • Esquivel, Elijio, 1382
  • Estrada, Victor Emilio, 1078
  • Estrada Doctrine, cited, 470, 470n , 1110, 1110n , 1150
  • Etchenique, Miguel, 473, 485, 486
  • Export-Import Bank, 523537 passim, 539542, 885891, 972989 passim, 11751178, 1285, 1290, 1422, 1423, 1482
  • Falcón-Briceño, M. A., 1647, 1648
  • Farías, Col. Medardo R., 1601, 1606
  • Faris, Col. Melvin G., 803, 806n
  • Farrell, Gen, Edelmiro J., 10n , 26, 252275 passim, 291, 294, 295, 298, 317, 400, 404
  • Ferguson, John, 594595
  • Fernández, Alfonso, 753, 753n , 754
  • Fernández, José A., 205n , 206, 207, 210
  • Fernández Fernández, Joaquín, 10, 10n , 71, 7374, 294, 295, 306, 321, 323, 434, 686721 passim, 794, 795, 797
  • Fernández MacGregor, Rafael, 1371n , 1387
  • Fernández Supervielle, Manuel, 916917
  • Ferrario, Francisco, 1481
  • Ferrario, Mario, 14851487, 1499
  • Fietta, Giuseppe, 275, 308n
  • Fleming, Gen. Philip B., 192, 1436
  • Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, 882, 1028, 11131131 passim, 1176, 1177, 1180, 15681590 passim
  • Foreign Economic Administration (FEA), 409425 passim, 474510 passim, 539, 581, 590591, 619628 passim, 644, 651654, 663, 687, 705, 711, 866, 869870, 1051, 1571, 1608, 16141621 passim, 1642, 16501656
  • Forrestal, James V., 103104, 121122
  • Fowler, William A., 655656, 1409
  • Fuentes, Gen. Oscar, 673675, 676
  • Gage, Frank P., 11201121
  • Gainer, Donald St. Clair, 1661n , 1666
  • Gajardo, Enrique, 279, 279n , 683
  • Galápagos Islands. See under Ecuador.
  • Galpin, Capt. Gerard F., 894, 894n
  • García Arias, Rodolfo, 31, 75, 75n , 243244, 285
  • García Montes, Oscar, 973986 passim
  • Gardner, Frank H., 204n , 206, 207
  • Gardner, Fred W., 599600
  • Garland, Eduardo, 310n , 1518, 1581
  • Garside, Col. Charles, 482
  • Gibson, Ray A., 1626n
  • Gilbert, Gen. Alberto, 89, 231251 passim, 317, 318, 377, 381, 384, 443, 447
  • Godoy, Gaston, 942, 944
  • Goes Monteiro, Pedro Aurelio de, 18, 19, 23
  • Gómez Picón, Alirio, 852n , 854, 855, 860, 861
  • González, Col. Enrique P., 234, 248, 392
  • González, Leobardo L., 1009, 1011
  • González, Comdr. Raúl, 673675, 684
  • Good Neighbor Policy, 307, 324327, 567568, 1392, 1402
  • Gras, Gen. Martín. 257, 257n , 342, 427, 431, 443, 461, 463, 481
  • Grau San Martín, Ramón, 901, 902, 910918 passim, 944957 passim, 978990 passim, 1009n
  • Gromyko, Andrey Andreyevich, 171, 700, 700n
  • Guani, Alberto, 223 passim, 429, 498
  • Guarderas, Francisco, 1037n
  • Guatemala, 11321168
    • Adherence to resolution of the Committee for Political Defense regarding recognition of governments instituted by force, 6
    • Agreements with United States:
      • Agricultural experiment station in Guatemala, agreement signed July 15 concerning the establishment and operation of, 1168
      • Cooperative education, agreement respecting, by exchange of notes Aug. 10 and Sept. 16, 1168
      • U.S. military officer to serve as Director of the Polytechnic School of Guatemala, agreement concerning, by exchange of notes Jan. 5 and 17, renewing agreement of July 17, 1943, 1152
    • Axis properties, U.S. interest in disposition of. See Coffee etc., infra.
    • Chapultepec Conference, views on proposal for, 57
    • Coffee produced on Proclaimed List plantations, U.S. interest in purchase of and in disposition of Axis properties, 11531168
      • Proposals and discussions on possible Guatemalan expropriation of properties, 11531154, 11541156, 11581163; Guatemalan position and measures taken, 11631165, 11661168
      • U.S. approval of importation of 1944 coffee crop, based on certain Guatemalan assurances, 1165
      • U.S. War Department’s purchase of coffee for Army needs, question of, 1153, 1154, 11561158, 1159
    • Highway construction projects, negotiations with United States concerning, 188190, 192195, 198199
    • Political situation, 11321152
      • Movement in opposition to President Ubico: Events connected with, and actions of interregnum Military Junta, 11321136; ex-President Ubico’s desire to be admitted to United States, 1144; good offices of Diplomatic Corps, question of, 11321133, 1134
      • Provisional government under Gen. Ponce: Elections for Legislative Assembly, 11401141; information and observations concerning, 11361139; U.S. attitude, 11391140
      • Revolutionary Junta:
        • Information concerning overthrow of Gen. Ponce and policies of Junta, 11411143, 1148, 1164; election of Arévalo as President, 1152
        • Recognition policies of United States and other governments: Consultation among American Republics, 1143, 11441148, 11491151; granting of recognition by United States and other American Republics and by United Kingdom, 11511152
    • Relations with Argentina, 299
    • Revolution in Guatemala, See Political situation, supra.
    • Salvadoran government-in-exile in Guatemala City, 1108, 1109, 1110
  • Guedes, Jay me, 154, 157, 617624 passim, 633640 passim
  • Guevara Arze, Walter, 451
  • Guilhem, Adm. Henrique Aristides, 571n
  • Gutiérrez, Alfredo, 875876
  • Gutiérrez, Francisco de Paula, 71n , 885, 887n , 890, 891
  • Habana Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (1940), 95, 106, 316, 555
  • Hackworth, Green H., 870871, 993, 997, 1069
  • Hadow, Robert Henry, 344
  • Haiti (see also Caribbean land-sea route, etc.), 11691180
    • Adherence to resolution of the Committee for Political Defense regarding recognition of governments instituted by force, 7
    • Agreement with United States respecting a health and sanitation program, by exchange of notes June 29 and July 12, 1180
    • Chapultepec Conference, views on proposal for, 57, 71
    • Cryptostegia program in Haiti sponsored by United States, efforts to reduce adverse effects of termination of, 11691175
    • El Salvador, question of Haitian recognition of Aguirre regime in, 11121113
    • Haitian bonds, good offices of the Department of State on behalf of American holders of, and supplementary agreement between United States and Haiti providing for amortization payments, 11751180
    • Relations with Dominican Republic (see also Dominican Republic: U.S. efforts, etc.), 1016, 10181019
  • Halifax, Viscount, 235, 288, 289, 322, 330, 343, 362
  • Hall, Gen. William E., 11851193 passim
  • Halle, Louis J., 495, 510
  • Hanley, J. Daniel, 791, 800
  • Harrison, Randolph, 595, 596
  • Hawkins, Harry C., 149150, 1209, 1214
  • Heath, Donald R., 294n , 820
  • Herrera, Gustavo, 1671, 1674
  • Hertford, Gen. Kenner F., 676681 passim, 1505, 1506
  • Highway construction:
    • Caribbean land-sea route through Haiti and Dominican Republic, discussion concerning completion of, 204211
    • U.S. cooperation with other Governments in the construction of the Inter-American Highway and Rama Road, 187203
      • Petroleum products for use in construction, question of supply of, 187
      • Programs of cooperative road construction, negotiations and arrangement made with Guatemala, 188190, 192195, 198199; with Nicaragua, 190192, 195198, 199203
  • Hiriart, Oswaldo, 794n
  • Honduras:
    • Agreement with United States respecting cooperative education, by exchange of notes Mar. 29 and Apr. 12, 1181
    • Assent to recommendations in Resolution of the Committee for Political Defense regarding recognition, 6
    • Boundary dispute with Nicaragua, 213227
    • Chapultepec Conference, views on proposal for, 57
  • Hull, Cordell:
  • Humbard, John L., 14371438
  • Hungary, 247
  • Ibarra Garcia, 243, 256, 260, 261, 308, 381, 385
  • Ickes, Harold L., 13381350 passim, 13591362, 1363, 1365, 13721375, 13861387, 1476
  • Illanes, Mario, 732, 749, 750, 777
  • Ingram, Adm. Jonas H., 557, 583, 591, 593, 15911597 passim, 1602
  • Institute of Inter-American Affairs, 873879 passim
  • Inter-American Coffee Agreement (1940), 136148 passim, 155160 passim
  • Inter-American Coffee Board, U.S. interest in the problems of (see also Brazil; Coffee crop, etc.), 134169
    • Basic problems, as set forth by Coffee Board, and U.S. reply, 134135, 141
    • Brazil, sales of coffee to United States: Concern over political aspects of coffee situation, 168169; discussions concerning U.S. quotas and related problems, 135, 149155; U.S.-Brazilian memorandum of understanding regarding, 155, 157158
    • Colombia, request for larger basic quota for coffee exports to United States, discussions concerning, 138, 139140, 141142, 143146, 147, 148149, 155157, 158159
    • Inter-American Coffee Agreement (1940): Continuation of agreement to Oct. 1, 1945, 140, 148149; extension of agreement beyond Oct. 1, 1945, question of, 160162
    • Quotas, questions relative to (see also Brazil and Colombia, supra), 136, 165166, 167168; resolutions of the Inter-American Coffee Board authorizing increases in quotas for U.S. market, 142143, 160
    • U.S. ceiling prices on coffee: Brazilian concern over, 168169; endeavor by Venezuela to secure an increase in, 137138; members of the coffee trade in United States, views on price difficulties, 135, 147148; revision of price regulations suggested by the Board, and U.S. position, 162165, 166167
  • Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace (1936), 70, 79n
  • Inter-American Conference on Problems of War and Peace, 1945, preliminaries. See Chapultepec Conference, etc.
  • Inter-American Conference on Systems of Economic and Financial Control (1942), Final Act, cited, 62n , 760n , 841n , 1553, 1632, 1634
  • Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee, 289, 829, 831
  • Inter-American Highway (see also Highway construction: U.S. cooperation with other Governments, etc.), 1431, 1432
  • Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences, 212
  • Inter-American Juridical Committee, 72
  • International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. (see also Mexico: Telecommunications Corporations in Mexico), 399, 400, 407, 408
  • Iredale, Laura, 10501051
  • Iturralde Chinel, Fernando, 436438, 444446, 449
  • Iverson, K. R., 869, 870
  • James, E. W., 196n , 202, 207
  • Japan, Argentine severance of relations with, 231, 233, 240
  • Jarvis, Francis G., 511512, 683684, 1508
  • Jiménez, Roberto, 5860
  • Johnson, H. Clay, 869, 870
  • Johnson, Col. J. M., 12391275 passim
  • Johnson, Joseph E., 100, 511, 512, 820, 1068, 1069, 15111512, 1603, 1604
  • Johnson, Col. Wendell G., 681
  • Johnston, Col. Winant P., 676, 1595
  • Joint, Edgar James, 1089n , 1090, 1117, 1117n
  • Joint Chiefs of Staff, 112, 546, 547, 550, 557, 566, 900, 903905, 1054, 1073, 1076
  • Jones, Jesse H., 1278, 1281, 1288, 1289
  • Jones, Marvin, 164, 637, 1300, 1305
  • Keith, Gerald, 816, 1068, 1069
  • Kekich, Thomas, 885, 888
  • Kelly, Sir David, 234, 265, 277, 332, 384
  • Key, David McK, 15941595
  • King, Homer, 1243, 1246, 1275
  • Knapp, Laurence A., 1316 passim, 434
  • Knox, Charles F., Jr., 409410, 732
  • Lacroix, Abel, 1169, 1170, 1178, 1179
  • Laínez, Silverio, 218, 219, 221, 1105n , 1149
  • Land, Adm. E. S., 497498, 642643, 645646
  • Lane, Arthur Bliss, 816
  • Lan, Sir Richard, 342343, 347
  • Lawson, Edward B., 1409
  • Lawson, L. M., 13621363, 1371, 1373, 13751378, 13781379, 13871388
  • Leahy, Adm. William D., 87, 101, 102, 113n , 558, 596, 900, 904, 1054n
  • LeBaron, Eugene, 885887, 889, 983988
  • Lend-Lease. See individual countries.
  • Lescot, Elie, 172185 passim, 1019, 11691179 passim
  • Lescot, Gerard, 177n , 11121113
  • Lewis, Samuel, Jr., 1111n , 1440, 1448, 1454, 1455
  • Lindberg, Col. Irving A., 13961405 passim, 14121424 passim
  • Linz, Paul F., 477478, 478480, 726727
  • Livesey, Fred, 11131115, 11171118, 11221125
  • Lleras Camargo, Alberto, 815, 849n
  • Lleras Restrepo, Carlos, 834, 835, 837, 838
  • Lobo, Fernando, 75n , 435, 585
  • Lockett, Thomas H., 1201n , 12011206 passim, 1213, 1214
  • Long, Boaz, 1093, 1094
  • Long, Breckenridge, 892, 899
  • Longyear, Robert Dudley, 817819
  • López, Alfonso, 314, 315, 806n , 812, 815, 823, 849, 854, 856, 860, 861
  • López Castro, Amadeo, 922, 928, 983
  • López Miranda, Juan Marcos, 1089n , 1107n
  • Lovett, Robert A., 578
  • Lozano y Lozano, Carlos, 299300, 807, 842, 852
  • Lubin, Isador, 570
  • Lyon, Cecil, B., 478, 483n , 504505, 680681, 685, 15041505, 1510
  • MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 1197
  • Macaulay, Capt. W. S., 571
  • MacDonald, Thomas H., 192, 195, 1426, 14271428, 1436
  • Machold, William F., 1203, 1211
  • MacLean, William G., 1270, 1307, 1323, 1324, 1333
  • Maddux, Col. Harold R, 11951196
  • Manach y Robato, Jorge, 896898, 910, 912, 913, 930n , 932, 961, 1008
  • Mañas, Arturo, 942956 passim
  • Mancisidor, José, 404, 405
  • Marshall, Gen. George C., 112, 673, 681, 1069, 1184
  • Martínez, Gen. Maximiliano Hernández, 10871091 passim, 1092n , 10951100 passim
  • Martínez Thedy, Eugenio, 249n , 254n
  • Martins Pereira e Sousa, Carlos, 569n , 579, 644, 649650
  • Mason, Gen. Diego I., 255, 256, 257, 301, 303, 402n
  • Matamoros, Jorge Loria, 1089n
  • Matte Lorrain, Arturo, 731n , 754, 762
  • McCarthy, H. F., 1263, 1265
  • McGregor, Robert G., 14251426, 14361437, 14401442
  • McGurk, Joseph F., 99, 100, 115117, 464465, 466467, 816, 11941195, 12531263, 13191320, 1351, 1354, 1368, 1511, 1512
  • McKellar, Kenneth, 1074
  • McLaughlin, Edward D., 482
  • McNarney, Gen. Joseph T., 676, 1195
  • McNutt, Paul V., 12901291, 1292, 1301
  • Meals, Col. Robert W., 585, 685, 817, 818, 819, 1601, 1603, 1604
  • Medina Angarita, Gen. Isaias, 1644, 1649, 1650, 16571673 passim
  • Mehaffey, Gen. J. C., 1444, 1445
  • Melgar, Gen. Fernando, 1507, 1513
  • Méndez, Benjamin, 12631267 passim
  • Mendonca Lima, Gen., 575, 586588, 589
  • Mendoza, Eugenio, 1650, 1652, 1653, 1655
  • Menéndez, Adolfo Pérez, 1108n
  • Menéndez, Gen. Andrés, 10971103 passim, 1110, 1127, 1143n
  • Menéndez, Gen. Benjamín, 266n
  • Messersmith, George S., 8385, 11821184, 1195, 11961197, 11981201, 12421243, 12501252, 1291, 1292, 13431346, 13511354, 13561358, 13671369
  • Metals Reserve Co., 1524n , 1529
  • Metzger, H. A., 1471, 1473, 1474, 1475
  • Mexico (see also under Chapultepec Conference), 11821390
    • Agreements with United States (see also Waters of the Colorado, etc.: Water treaty, infra):
      • Agricultural and other workers, migration into United States: Agreement of Aug. 4, 1942, as amended Apr. 26, 1943, concerning agricultural workers, 1292n , 1302, 13031304, 1305, 1325, 1329; agreement of Apr. 29, 1943, concerning non-agricultural workers (see also Migration: Railroad workers, infra), 1290n , 1320, 1325, 1329
      • Agricultural Commission, agreement respecting establishment of, by exchange of notes Jan. 6 and 27, 1390
      • Fisheries Mission, agreement respecting, exchange of notes Sept. 7 and Oct. 18, amending and extending earlier agreement, 1390
    • Attitude toward resolution of the Committee for Political Defense regarding recognition of governments instituted by force, 6
    • Bolivia, revolutionary Junta, Mexican activities relative to question of recognition of, 433, 438, 439440, 448449, 450, 466468
    • Colorado, Tijuana, and Rio Grande Rivers. See Waters, etc., infra.
    • Economic cooperation with United States. See Mexican-American Commission, infra.
    • Import restrictions of Mexico, and U.S. efforts to forestall increases in, 12131234
      • Concern of United States regarding upward revision of Mexican tariff rates in decree effective Jan. 18, and representations for withdrawal of, 12131218; Mexican postponement of effective date and subsequent annulment of decree, 12181220, 1226
      • Importation of surplus war materials, question of controls over, 12331234
      • Mexico’s concern over postwar competition of U.S. products with domestic products, and fear of “dumping”, 12201221, 1228, 1232
      • Restrictions under decree published May 12: Information concerning, and U.S. preliminary observations, 12211226; relation to U.S.-Mexican trade agreement of 1942, 12231224, 12251226; U.S. informal representations and position of Mexican Finance Minister, 12271234
    • Mexican Air Force Fighter Squadron, arrangements for training in United States and service overseas, 11821197
      • Desire of Mexican President to offer participation of squadron at combat fronts, and U.S. favorable attitude, 11821185
      • Discussions as to composition of squadron, and decisions on procedural and financial aspects of project, 11841192; utilization of Lend-Lease for certain charges, 1189, 1191
      • Request of Mexican President for assignment of squadron to Pacific Theater, and U.S. concurrence, 11961197
      • Visit of head of Mexican Air Force to European combat fronts at invitation of U.S. War Department and Air Force, 11921193
    • Mexican-American Commission for Economic Cooperation, operations of, 11981212
      • Background information, 11981201, 12081209
      • Minimum program for Mexico’s economic development during 1944, discussions and implementation, 12011207, 12101212; Commission’s final report (1945), citation to text, 1212n
      • U.S. position on equality of treatment for the economic development of all American Republics, 663664, 1204, 1205, 12081209
    • Mexican military forces (see also Mexican Air Force Fighter Squadron, supra): Ground forces, question of overseas participation in war, U.S. position, 1194, 1195; U.S. arrangements for reception of six officers as working members of American units in Mediterranean Theater, 1196; visits of staff and general officers to European Theater, question of, 11941195, 1195
    • Migration of agricultural and other workers into United States for temporary employment, arrangements regarding, 12901336
      • Agricultural workers:
      • Border immigration problems. See Agricultural workers: Illegal entries, supra.
      • Food-processing workers, U.S. need for, 1313
      • Medical care of Mexican workers while in United States, 13301331
      • Mexican customs order permitting free entry of goods brought into country by returning contract laborers, 13171318
      • Military status of migratory workers, 13021303
      • Proposals by Mexico concerning continued employment of Mexican nationals in United States, and U.S. position, 13251328, 13291330
      • Railroad workers:
        • Claims of Mexico based on alleged violation of agreement of Apr. 29, 1943, negotiations for settlement, 12961299, 13011302; report of Joint Mexican-U.S. Commission clarifying the agreement, 13071310
        • Inspection of living and working conditions, 13211322
        • Joint Mexican-U.S. Commission on Mexican Railroad Workers in United States, report of, 13071310
        • Renewal of contracts, 1310
        • U.S. requests for increased numbers of workers, Mexican compliance, and discussions of problems involved, 12901294, 12941296, 1312, 13161317
      • Unskilled workers in heavy industry, U.S. request for recruitment of, and problems involved in reaching agreement, 1320, 13221324, 13341335
    • Petroleum, discussions with United States concerning development and exploitation of Mexican oil resources, 13361359
      • Government-to-government collaboration, question of, 1342, 1343, 1344, 1346
      • Participation by U.S. interests and capital in the Mexican oil industry: Discussion regarding U.S. proposal of 1943 and Mexican counterproposal, 13391342; position of President Roosevelt, 13461347; U.S. desire for continuance of negotiations, 13581359
      • Petroleum properties, settlement of claims growing out of 1938 expropriation, and decree establishing method of payments, 1339, 1352, 1355
      • U.S. loan to Mexican Government or to Mexican petroleum monopoly, question of:
        • Mexican Foreign Minister’s misinterpretation of remarks by President Roosevelt, and discussions leading to clarification of Roosevelt’s position, 13381339, 13421346, 13471348, 1353, 13561358
        • Mexican formal proposal for loan, 13481351; U.S. position, 13581359
        • U.S. Ambassador’s conversations in Washington and views as to non-feasibility of a loan for other than military oil reserves, 13511354, 13561358; State Department’s agreement with Ambassador’s views, 13551356
    • Railways, U.S. efforts to rehabilitate national railway lines and to hasten return of freight cars to United States, 12341275
      • Freight car movement between United States and Mexico, question of regulation of:
        • Discussions and analyses of situation by U.S. Ambassador, U.S. and Mexican officials, and Office of Defense Transportation, 12371240, 12411243, 12451252, 12521261, 12691273, 12741275
        • Visit of Mexican railway officials to Washington, conversations with U.S. officials regarding a regulation procedure, 1259, 12611267
      • Rehabilitation of National Railways of Mexico:
        • Administrative reorganization of National Railways by decree of Mar. 9, and U.S. interest in, 1241, 12441245
        • Background of U.S. undertaking with respect to, and scope of work of U.S. Railway Mission to Mexico, 12341237, 1269
        • Settlement of labor dispute, U.S. Ambassador’s comments on significance of, 1252
        • U.S.-Mexican exchange of notes for limiting work of U.S. Railway Mission to technical assistance after Jan. 1, 1945, 12671269, 12731274
        • U.S. Railway Mission to Mexico. See Background, etc., and U.S.-Mexican exchange of notes, supra.
    • Recognition of new government in Guatemala, 1151
    • Relations with Argentina, 309, 310, 312313, 331, 332, 336, 344345, 352353, 364, 373
    • Telecommunications corporations in Mexico, U.S. proposal for subsidizing merger to eliminate possibility of non-hemisphere control, 12761290 [Page 1702]
      • Background information on situation of Swedish and American telephone companies in Mexico, 12761278
      • Recommendations of Ambassador Messersmith based on hemisphere security, 12781288
      • U.S. proposed plan, 12881289; failure of U.S. Department of Commerce and Export-Import Bank to approve loan for merger, 12891290
    • Waters of the Colorado, Tijuana, and Rio Grande Rivers, utilization of, 13591389
      • Lower Colorado River lands, proposed joint investigation to determine flood control measures needed for, 13871388
      • Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, U.S. arrangements with Mexico for release of water for drought areas, 1385
      • Mexicali Valley, measures for temporary delivery of Colorado River water to Mexico to alleviate drought conditions, 13711372, 13811385, 13861387
      • Water treaty between United States and Mexico, signed Feb. 3:
  • Mexico City Conference (1945). See Chapultepec Conference.
  • Meza Barahona, Ramón, 755, 757759
  • Michels, Rodolfo, 305, 305n , 306, 673, 717, 731, 732, 792
  • Molina, Miguel Tomás, 1104, 1107, 1108, 1108n , 1110
  • Moller, Fernando, 708, 708n , 745, 751
  • Montenegro, Carlos, 431, 442, 449
  • Montoulleu, Eduardo, 976, 978, 983, 986
  • Moore, Col. Malcolm K., 575576
  • Mora Miranda, Marcial, 46, 47, 171, 691, 693, 700
  • Mora Plancarte, Francisco, 1089n
  • Moreno, Gustavo, 986, 987, 988
  • Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 269n
  • Morínigo, Higínio, 297, 1457n , 1470, 1479, 1488, 1491
  • Morris, Shiras, 15951596
  • Motley, A. W., 1312
  • Mulliken, Otis E., 937938, 1454
  • Munitions Assignments Board, 568, 569, 570, 578, 579, 809, 822n
  • Muñoz, Santos, 234235, 246247
  • Muñoz Meany, Enrique, 1109n , 11411142, 1166
  • Munro, Dana G., 11131118 passim, 1124, 1131, 1580, 1586
  • Navarro Allende, Fausto, 1037
  • Nelson, Donald M., 12001209 passim
  • Netherlands. See Venezuela: Petroleum.
  • Nicaragua (see also Boundary disputes: Honduras and Nicaragua), 13911424
    • Acceptance of resolution of the Committee for Political Defense regarding recognition of governments instituted by force, 6
    • Agreement with United States respecting a health and sanitation program, by exchange of notes Mar. 30 and 31, 1424
    • Chapultepec Conference, views on proposal for, 57
    • Control of U.S. and other exports to Nicaragua, arrangements regarding, 14061412
    • Financial transactions involving the Axis, U.S. and Nicaraguan efforts to control, 14131418
      • Frozen funds of Proclaimed List nationals held in United States, question of transfer to National Bank of Nicaragua, 14151418
      • Property of controlled enemy aliens, questions relative to proposed purchases by U.S. nationals, 14131415
    • High Commission and Customs Collectorship of Nicaragua, consideration of terminating U.S. official connection with, 14181424
    • Highway construction projects, negotiations with United States concerning, 190192, 195198, 199203
    • Non-intervention policy in Nicaragua, U.S. efforts to clarify and maintain, 13911406
      • American officers of the Nicaraguan Military Academy, U.S. instructions concerning conduct in the event of revolutionary disturbances, 13931394, 13951396
      • Clarification and reiteration of U.S. policy of non-intervention, 13911393, 13981399, 14051406
      • Discontinuance, at U.S. request, of use of Corn Islands for detention of political prisoners, 14031404
      • Order by Colonel Lindberg regarding support of projected general strike by Nicaraguan business establishments, 1396, 1398, 1399, 1400, 1401, 14041405
      • U.S. avoidance of appearance of partisanship between political factions, incidents relative to, 13941395, 13961402
    • Proclaimed List. See Financial transactions, supra.
    • Recognition of Velasco Ibarra government in Ecuador, 17
  • Nitze, Paul H., 485, 486, 701703, 724725
  • Non-intervention, U.S. policy (see also under Nicaragua), 10961097
  • Norregard, Nelson, 996
  • Nufer, Albert E., 993994
  • O’Donoghue, Sidney E., 1306, 1324, 1325, 1333, 1335
  • Office of Defense Transportation (ODT), 1245, 12481250, 1254, 12571265 passim
  • Office of Price Administration (OPA), 135, 147, 624, 628631 passim, 634, 640
  • Ojeda, Dario, 292n , 309
  • Orellana H., Gabriel, 1167
  • Ortega, Romeo, 1151n
  • Ortíz, Andrés, 1246, 1254, 12591263 passim
  • Otazo, Rafael, 451
  • Pacheco, Lt. Col. Alfredo, 451, 458, 510, 512
  • Padilla, Ezequiel, 28n , 3457 passim, 7886 passim, 310313 passim, 331, 336, 344, 345, 352, 353, 433440 passim, 448, 450, 466, 467, 11831188 passim, 1218, 1219, 12531263 passim, 1314, 1322, 13361350 passim, 1358, 1368, 1369
  • Padilla Nervo, Luis, 12961299, 1307, 1310, 1323
  • Page, Frank C., 12761277
  • Pampliega Peña, Col. Amancio, 1484n
  • Panama, 14251455
    • Agreements with United States:
      • Aviation Board, Agreement of 1929 establishing, 1439
      • Cooperative education agreement, by exchange of notes Nov. 13 and 14, 1455
      • Defense sites agreement of 1942. See Public works, etc., infra.
      • Detail of U.S. military officer to serve as adviser to Panamanian Minister for Foreign Affairs, agreement by exchange of notes Apr. 26 and May 18, continuing in effect agreements of 1942 and 1943, 1425
      • Equality of treatment of Panamanian employees of Canal and Railroad, agreement giving assurance of, by exchange of notes, 1936, 14431454 passim
    • Chapultepec Conference (1945), Panaman proposal relative to, 5860
    • El Encanto claims, 14391440
    • Labor practices in the Canal Zone, alleged discrimination against Panamanian nationals, 1439, 14401455
    • Public works in Panama, U.S. participation in development under terms of Defense Sites Agreement of 1942, 14251440
      • Railroad station and yards in Panama City, question of relocation of, 1432n , 14321433, 14361437, 1437n
      • Roads: Discussions and proposals regarding highway projects, and question of modification of Defense Sites Agreement relative to, 14251431, 14331436, 14371438; Panamanian proposal to construct Inter-Amercan highway of cement, 14311432
    • Relations with Argentina, 299, 336; with El Salvador, 1111
    • Visit of Foreign Minister to Washington, 14381440, 14541455
  • Panama Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (1939), 316
  • Pan American Airways, 14651466
  • Pan American Grace Airways, (Panagra), 400, 684, 1036
  • Pan American Highway, 187, 194, 884
  • Paraguay, 14561503
    • Acceptance of resolution of the Committee for Political Defense regarding recognition of governments instituted by force, 6
    • Axis interests in Paraguay, concern of United States in elimination of, 14791503
      • Banco Germánico in Paraguay, question of liquidation of, 14831485, 1486, 14921494, 1498, 1503
      • German schools in Paraguay, Nazi control of, and Paraguayan action regarding, 14891491, 15001501, 15021503
      • Japanese colony in Paraguay, control of, 14801481, 1486
      • Measures for control of enemy aliens, international communications, etc., 14851488; role of Agriculture Bank, 14801481, 1486
      • Nazi organizers, arrangements for expulsion or internment, 1494, 1495, 14981499
      • Proclaimed List:
        • Consignee control in connection with enforcement of List, 14571458, 14611463, 14641465
        • Difficulties in securing acceptance of, 14951497
        • Paraguayan efforts to prevent purchases from, or issuance of buying orders to, Listed firms, by Government offices or institutions, 14791480, 14881489, 1491, 15011502
        • Sale or transfer of Listed business enterprises to Paraguayan firms, and question of financing by Export-Import Bank loans, 1482, 14971498, 1499, 1503
    • Chapultepec Conference, views on proposal for, 57, 71
    • Petroleum resources, question of development by private companies, 14671479
      • Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, application for exploration rights, and discussions concerning, 14731475
      • Union Oil Co. of California, exploitation and exploration rights in Paraguay: Negotiations with Paraguayan Government for, 14681471, 14721473, 1475, 14751478; Paraguay’s granting of concession, 14781479; U.S. position, 14711472
      • U.S. position (see also under Union Oil Co., supra), 14671468; suggestion concerning a possible consortium, 1468, 1470, 14701471
    • Position on Argentine situation, 1112, 242, 296297, 328329, 331, 341
    • Recognition of Velasco Ibarra government in Ecuador, 17
    • Trade problems, discussions between United States and Paraguay on, 14561467
      • Clandestine activities in goods entering from or diverted to Argentina, difficulties arising from, 1459, 1462, 1465
      • Consignee control in connection with Proclaimed List enforcement, 14571458, 14611463, 14641465
      • Decentralization rollback and Paraguayan attitude toward, 1456, 14581459, 14591461, 1463
      • Pan American Airways, labor contract problems in connection with proposed new operating company in Paraguay, 14651466
      • Trade agreement with United States, negotiations respecting U.S. proposals for, 14561457, 14631464, 1467
  • Parra-Perez, Caracciolo, 29n , 2930, 1664
  • Paula Cidade, Gen. Francisco de, 602
  • Paz Estenssoro, Victor, 307, 307n , 428, 431, 437, 481, 515
  • Pecci, Francisco, 242n , 297298
  • Pedretti, Carlos, 1473, 1475
  • Peluffo, Gen. Orlando Lorenzo, 15, 16, 26, 274286 passim, 309, 319, 424
  • Peña Battle, M., 206n , 1028m
  • Peña Morua, Julio, 885, 886, 889, 890, 891
  • Peñaranda y del Castillo, Gen. Enrique, 254, 428, 436444 passim, 453, 472, 473n , 487, 505, 517, 522, 523
  • Penteado, Enrico, 135, 619, 621, 622, 627, 628, 638, 642
  • Perlinger, Gen. Luis César, 16, 261, 266, 400405 passim
  • Perón, Col. Juan Domingo, 16, 26, 234n , 249277 passim, 287294 passim, 302, 319, 329, 392, 394, 400
  • Pertiné, Gen. Basilio, 304, 431
  • Peru, 15041590
    • Approval of resolution of the Committee for Political Defense regarding recognition of governments instituted by force, 6
    • Boundary dispute with Ecuador, 213, 1061
    • Chapultepec Conference, views on proposal for, 57, 72
    • Defense weapons from United States, problems arising from Peruvian requests for, 15041518
      • Accidents in Peruvian Air Corps, question of equipment as possible cause, 1517
      • Application of Peru for dive bombers, recommendations of War and Navy Departments for supply of, and opposition of State Department for political reasons, 15041505, 15101514
      • Lend-Lease materials and equipment: Removal of insignia from equipment, U.S. instructions for, 1507; training planes, arrival in Peru, 1507; U.S. inability to fill Peruvian request for ammunition, 15171518; U.S. statement of charges and request for payment due, 15081510, 15141517; utilization of weapons supplied, question of, 15051506
      • Patrol of Peruvian coast for hemisphere defense, 1510, 1512
    • Financial transactions involving the Axis, U.S. efforts to secure cooperation of the Peruvian Government in control of, 15531568
      • Axis interests and subversive activities, Peru’s program for control of, 15581560
      • Enemy property and assets: Investment of frozen funds of enemy nationals, U.S. position, 15621563; liquidation or nationalization of Axis enterprises, 15571558, 15601561, 15641566, 15671568; regulation of foreign exchange operations, 15661567
      • Proclaimed List nationals, actions relative to, 1556, 1566, 1638
      • Replacement of enemy firms by local nationals: Enactment of Peruvian legislation regarding, 15551556; U.S. program for throughout the American Republics, 15531555
    • Foreign debt discussions, 15681590
      • Negotiations for settlement of dollar debt to United States:
      • Postal debt owed by Peru to U.S. Post Office Department: Insistence by United States on payment in full, and rejection of Peru’s offer for payment in Public Works Bonds, 15691570; observations by Finance Minister regarding lack of funds for, 15701571, 1572; Peru’s decision to settle, 1574, 1580
    • Membership in the Committee for Political Defense, 25
    • Relations with Argentina, 254, 272, 290, 299, 309, 310, 336, 344
    • Strategic materials, negotiations on U.S. continuation of program to procure from Peru, 15181533
      • Minerals and metals problems of Peru, discussion in Lima with visiting U.S. officials, 15211522
      • Over-all agreement with Metals Reserve Co.: Expiration of agreement and renegotiation of, 15181520, 15221523, 15241528; text of revised agreement, signed Aug. 25, 15291531
      • Peruvian request for continued purchases of antimony by U.S. Commercial Company, and U.S. non-compliance, 15311533
      • Rotenone price agreement (1942), question of basis for renewal of, 1520, 1522, 1523
    • Trade controls, discussions between United States and Peru regarding, 15341552
      • Argentine-Peruvian export-import relations: Purchases made by Peru in Argentina, U.S. position on, 15441545; re-exportation of American goods to Argentina, U.S. concern regarding and Peruvian Government’s action on prohibition of, 1543, 15431544, 15451546
      • Commodities requirements of Peru, U.S. Ambassador’s objections to compiling of estimates as requested by FEA, 15461551
      • Decentralization rollback: Problems of procedure, 1534, 15361537, 15511552; publication by Peruvian Government of notice regarding, 15381540
      • Peruvian new import control project, observations regarding and protests against, 15371542; abandonment of plan and adoption of simplified process for obtaining information, 15421543, 1543
      • Price control in Peru, U.S. Embassy’s report on, 15341536
  • Petroleum. See under Cuba, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Petroleum Supply Committee for Latin America, 960, 966
  • Pflücker, Wilfredo, 1539, 1565, 1566
  • Phillips Petroleum Co., 1345
  • Picado, Teodoro, 883, 884891 passim
  • Piciochi, Maj. Esteban Oscar, 398, 399
  • Pierson, Warren Lee, 541, 885890 passim, 972, 973, 979, 986, 988, 989, 1285
  • Pimental Brandão, Mario de, 2, 18
  • Pineda, Buenaventura, 1135
  • Pizzi de Porras, Enrique, 465, 466
  • Plate, Juan, 1488n
  • Plaza, Galo, 75n , 171, 10651079 passim
  • Ponce Enriquez, Camilo, 34n , 1040, 1064, 1072, 1073
  • Ponce Vaides, Gen. Federico, 1135, 1136, 1136n , 11371145 passim, 1164
  • Postwar defense in the Americas, inauguration of staff conversations and the determination of responsibility for negotiations on, 105133
    • Bilateral staff conversations on military collaboration between the American Republics: Proposal by United States and outline of arrangements and purposes, 105106, 115117, 118119; instructions for guidance of U.S. Military and Naval Attachés, 106111; response of Republics approached, 115, 117118, 119120, 125: staff conversations with Brazil, and report on inaugural session 123125; views of U.S. Ambassador in the Dominican Republic, 131133
    • Military assistance to Chile, question of, 112113
    • Military Missions in Latin America, reasons for establishment of, 120121
    • Relationship of diplomatic missions to the officers holding staff conversations, conflict of opinions between Department of State and War and Navy Departments, 111112, 113115, 121123, 126129; statement of procedure agreed upon by the three Departments, 129130
    • Responsibility for negotiations. See Relationship of diplomatic missions, etc., supra.
  • Prado, Jorge, 459n
  • Prado Ugarteche, Manuel, 1507
  • Proclaimed List. See individual countries.
  • Public Roads Administration 187203 passim, 540, 14251438 passim
  • Quezon, Manuel L., 1196, 1197
  • Quiróz, Juan Dario, 1500n
  • Radio Corporation of America, 409, 861862
  • Railroad Retirement Board, 12921294
  • Rama Road. See Highway construction: U.S. cooperation with other Governments, etc.
  • Ramírez, Pablo, 753, 754
  • Ramírez, Gen. Pedro P., 1011, 12, 231n , 232252 passim, 253261 passim, 262264, 291302 passim, 317, 318, 377378, 397n
  • Ramsey, Henry C., 517, 526
  • Rayner, Charles B., 1342, 1351, 1353, 1354
  • Recognition. See Argentina: Farrell regime; also Argentina: U.S. efforts, etc.: Recognition issue; Bolivia: Revolutionary Junta; Ecuador: Velasco Ibarra government; El Salvador: Political situation; Guatemala: Political situation; and under Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense.
  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 869870
  • Refugees from German persecution, 1314, 1718
  • Renwick, William W., 11211126 passim
  • Restrepo, Gonzalo, 803n , 806n , 839, 840, 843, 844
  • Richmond Oil Co., 1674
  • Rio de Janeiro Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (1942), 2021, 40, 62, 95, 316, 664, 799, 1204, 1205, 1208, 1484, 1525, 1526, 1527, 1553, 1632, 1634
  • Ríos Gallardo, Conrado, 292, 401, 402, 700, 742
  • Ríos Morales, Juan Antonio, 71n , 170, 295n , 434, 691, 694698 passim, 708, 742, 753, 789, 794, 795, 797
  • Robles Chinchilia, Rodrigo, 1142
  • Rocha, Antonio, 838, 839
  • Rockefeller, Nelson A., 8283, 1234, 1268
  • Rockwell, Comdr. Joseph P., 690n , 789
  • Rockwell, Stuart W., 684
  • Rodrigues Alves, José de Paula, 256, 256n , 299, 308
  • Rodríguez MacIver, Alfredo, 5n
  • Rogers, James Grafton, 1118, 15711590 passim
  • Rojas, Rodolfo, 359, 16451659 passim
  • Roosevelt, Franklin D.:
  • Royal Dutch Shell Co., 1661n , 1662, 1663, 1675n , 1677
  • Royden, John L., 759, 764, 765, 777
  • Rubber. See Haiti: Cryptotstegia program; Rubber Development Corporation; and under Bolivia: Strategic materials; Brazil; and Venezuela.
  • Rubber Development Corporation: Activities in Colombia and lawsuits against, 864, 865, 866873, 874, 875876, 877878, 879881; agreement with Brazilian Government regarding rubber prices, 603606; termination of cryptostegia (program in Haiti, 11701175
  • Rubel, A. C., 14681479 passim
  • Rumania, 247
  • Russell, Francis H., 520, 527, 528, 529, 775, 777, 782
  • Ryan, Col. L. O., 11881189
  • Sacasa, Juan Bautista, 1392
  • Salazar, Carlos, 1133n , 1136, 1137, 1162
  • Salgado Filho, Joaquim Pedro, 545n , 558, 559
  • Salinas, Gen. Gustavo A., 1185, 1186, 1187, 1192, 1193
  • Santiago Rodriguez, José, 219
  • Santieisteban, Teodoro, 942, 952, 957
  • Santos, Eduardo, 814, 821, 823, 849
  • Santovenia, Emeterio, 897, 897n , 898, 919, 929, 930
  • Sarmanho, Walder, 590, 656657, 661, 662
  • Scanlan, Mr., 1258, 1263, 1265, 1272
  • Seherer, George F., 930981, 934935, 10051006
  • Scheuer, Sidney H., 703704, 720, 926
  • Scotten, Robert M., 10611062
  • Seiglie y Martínez, Oscar, 942, 944953 passim, 954955, 956, 957, 958
  • Serrato, Juan José, 63, 71, 72, 73, 118, 308, 322323, 1100, 1112, 1593, 1597, 1600, 16281633 passim, 1637
  • Sevilla Sacasa, Guillermo, 1398, 1399, 1401
  • Shan, G. Howland, 509, 590591, 820, 895, 903
  • Sherwell, Butler, 1468, 1470, 1471, 1473
  • Sirito, Maj. Horacio A., 399, 405, 406
  • Smyth, A. P., 208
  • Solf y Muro, Alfredo, 72, 1516, 1582
  • Somoza, Anastasio, 214227 passim, 214n , 1106, 1107, 13921404 passim
  • South Africa, products exported to Argentina, 372373
  • Souza Costa, Arthur de, 149155 passim, 168169, 610, 617642 passim, 670671
  • Soviet Union and the American Republics, U.S. attitude with respect to establishment of diplomatic relations (between, 170171
  • Spaeth, Carl B., 2n , 8, 9, 12, 47, 274, 277
  • Spain: Exports to Argentina, 373; position regarding Revolutionary Junta in Bolivia, 470471
  • Spears, Adm. William O., 99, 116, 592, 675, 677, 678, 15101513 passim
  • Squire, Frank C., 12931294
  • Standard Oil Co. of California, 1674
  • Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, 14731475
  • Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., 4243, 9396, 112115, 126, 126127, 171, 182n , 256, 598, 927, 1004, 1075, 1098, 12881289, 1291, 1292, 13311333, 13551356, 1389, 1392, 1433, 14451446, 1453, 1509, 1643
  • Stevens, Oliver, 1235, 1236, 1239, 1242, 1243, 1245, 1258, 1296
  • Stimson, Henry L., 120121, 121122, 129, 500, 547549, 552553, 573574, 685686, 811, 14291430, 1601
  • Strategic materials. See under Bolivia, Chile, and Peru.
  • Strong, Col. Carl H., 1393, 1395
  • Strong, Gen. George V., 1068, 1188n
  • Suárez, Eduardo, 353354, 364, 365, 12131220 passim, 12281233 passim, 1340
  • Sugar. See under Cuba.
  • Sweden: Exports to Argentina, 290; Swedish telephone company operating in Mexico, 12761290
  • Swihart, James W., 480, 774
  • Switzerland, items exported to Argentina, 373
  • Tan, Charles P., 422423, 484, 1625
  • Tamayo, José, 442, 480n , 536
  • Taussig, Charles, 180182
  • Teisaire, Adm. Alberto, 258, 276, 319
  • Tello, Manuel, 2829, 466467, 1190, 1191, 1214, 1306, 1315, 1322, 1323
  • Thurston, Walter, 490n
  • Toledano, Vicente Lombardo, 1441, 1442, 1446, 1447
  • Toledo, Francisco E., 1089, 1089n
  • Toriello, Don Jorge, 1141, 1148, 1166
  • Townsend, Rex, 1341, 1477
  • Treaties, conventions, etc. (see also Agreements with United States under Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama):
    • Chile–Argentina, treaty regarding Strait of Magellan (1881), cited, 695
    • General Treaty of Inter-American Arbitration (1929), cited, 913
    • Inter-American convention on preservation of wildlife (1942), 1059
    • Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences, convention between United States and the other American Republics concerning, signed by United States Jan. 15, 212
    • Treaty of peace and amity between Central American Republics (1923), 1140n , 11491150
    • U.S.–Panama, General Treaty of 1936, cited, 1443, 1444, 1445, 1446, 1447, 1451, 1452, 1454
    • U.S.–Venezuela. See Venezuela: Rubber purchase agreement.
  • Troncoso Sanchez, Jesús Maria, 1030, 1032, 1033, 1034, 1035
  • Trujillo Molina, Rafael L., 172186 passim, 206, 10131030 passim
  • Truslow, Francis A., 869
  • Tudela, Francisco, 1527, 1575
  • Turbay, Gabriel, 78, 141n , 141142, 300, 803, 805, 806, 813, 815, 823, 834, 835
  • Ubico, Gen. Jorge, 189, 1025, 1132, 1135, 1139, 1142, 1144, 1155
  • Umaña Bernal, Francisco, 78, 850n , 880
  • Union Oil Co. of California. See under Paraguay: Petroleum resources.
  • United Kingdom (see also Chile: international financial transactions, etc.; and under Argentina: U.S. efforts, etc.), 262, 265266, 277, 279, 410, 413414, 419, 441, 470, 530536, 766773, 1542, 16291630, 16611666, 16731675, 1677
  • United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference held at Bretton Woods July 1–22, 631, 671
  • United Press, 397, 400, 401404
  • Urdaneta Arbelaez, Roberto, 864, 868, 872, 880
  • Uruguay, 15911640
    • Approval of resolution of the Committee for Political Defense regarding recognition of governments instituted by force, 6
    • Chapultepec Conference, views on proposal for, 40, 57, 6061, 6263, 6769, 7273, 74
    • Defense of Uruguay, U.S. assistance on measures for, 15911607
      • Air base at Laguna del Sauce, arrangements for construction of, 15921593, 15961597; anti-airbase interpellation in Uruguayan Senate, 15991600
      • Argentina’s bellicose attitude, Uruguayan concern over, 677678, 1591, 1600, 16001601
      • Carrasco Airport, U.S. assistance in construction of, 1593, 1602
      • Lend-Lease materials and equipment:
      • Military mission to Uruguay, question of, 16011602, 16031604, 1605
      • Visit of U.S. cruiser and destroyer to Montevideo as expression of solidarity, 15911592, 1594
    • Exports from United States to Uruguay, arrangements regarding control of, 16071627
      • Argentine sanctions as potential threat to Uruguayan economy: Emergency in respect to certain products, and factors in easing of supply situation, 16111612, 16211623, 16251626; export of salt to Uruguay, Argentine prohibition of, and U.S. action in securing shipment of salt from Brazil, 16231625, 1627
      • Decentralization rollback: Embassy’s appraisal of export control situation, and recommendations based on dealings with Country Agency, 16141616, 16181619; presentation of U.S. proposals to Uruguay and Uruguay’s acceptance, 16071609, 16171618, 16191621
      • Newsprint supply situation and distribution problem, discussions concerning, 1610, 16121614; U.S. action in obtaining quota increase, and Uruguayan favorable press response, 16161617
    • Financial transactions involving the Axis, U.S. efforts to secure Uruguayan cooperation in the control of, 16321640
      • Measures for prevention of subversive activities, U.S. Embassy’s suggestions for, 16321635
      • Proclaimed List nationals, plan for dealing with, 16351640
    • Petroleum, negotiations between Ancap and private companies for renewal of marketing agreement, 16281631; 5-year agreement signed Dec. 19, 1631
    • Recognition of Aguirre regime in El Salvador, question of, 1112
    • Relations with Argentina, 14, 249, 268, 296n , 307, 308, 322323, 328, 331
  • U.S. Commercial Co., 1518, 1524n , 1529, 1530
  • U.S. Navy Department, 111, 114, 121123, 126129, 1054, 10561057, 1063, 1076
  • U.S. Treasury Department, 269, 347, 359, 1290, 1415, 14161417, 1418, 1563
  • U.S. War Department, 111, 114, 121123, 126129, 360, 482, 483, 485, 546, 547549, 550, 552554, 822, 1054, 10561057, 1063, 1076, 14251426, 14291430, 1432, 1434, 14361437, 1438, 1438n , 1440, 1447, 1449, 1450, 14511452
  • Utz, Frederick W., 610
  • Valdés, V. Manuel, 1113, 1115, 1127, 1128, 1129
  • Vargas, Getulio, 56, 123, 551, 555, 557558, 559, 560, 570578 passim, 583590 passim, 595, 609, 613, 614, 621, 622, 624, 633634, 637, 638, 639, 648, 667, 671
  • Vatican, recognition of Revolutionary Junta in Bolivia, 469470
  • Vechsler, Myers J., 777
  • Vegh Garzón, Carlos R., 1628n , 1630, 1631
  • Velasco, Col. Filomeno, 252, 252n , 291
  • Velasco Ibarra, José María, 17, 17n , 10361044 passim, 1064, 1067, 1074, 1077
  • Velloso Neto, Pedro Leão, 56, 70, 123, 641, 670
  • Venezuela, 16411678
    • Approval of resolution of the Committee for Political Defense regarding recognition of governments instituted by force, 6
    • Chapultepec Conference, views on proposal for, 2930, 54, 5758, 64, 6667, 73
    • Economic development plans and trade controls, 16441660
      • Imposition by Venezuelan officials of trade restrictions not warranted by war conditions of shipping and supply (see also Restrictions and Rollback, infra, 1644, 16451646
      • Public works projects and general requirements, results of Washington meetings of Venezuelan and U.S. officials, 16501656
      • Restrictions of trade in certain pharmaceutical products through arbitrary refusal of import permits, discussions concerning, 1644n , 16471648, 1657
      • Rollback in trade controls: Discussions concerning, and Venezuelan acceptance of U.S. proposal, 1649, 16561657, 16581660; removal of Venezuelan import restrictions on automotive spare parts, 1658
      • Visit of President Medina to Washington (see also Public works, etc. supra), 1644n , 1649, 1650, 16601661
    • Lend-Lease account with United States, status of, and U.S. request for payment due, 16411644
    • Petroleum, problems concerning export and refinement of, 16601677
      • Increase of refining capacity and establishment of refinery on Venezuelan soil, President Medina’s desire for, and discussions concerning, 16601661, 1661, 16631664, 16751677
      • Limitations of the refining of Venezuelan crude oil in Caribbean area:
        • Consultations (Anglo-American-Dutch) concerning resolutions affecting new petroleum concessions, and representations to Venezuelan Government, 16611663, 16641665; U.S. position, and Foreign Office views, 1662, 16651673
        • Reaction of Venezuelan Government to representations by U.S., British, and Netherlands Governments, resume, 16731675
    • Proclaimed List nationals, actions relative to, 1639
    • Relations with Argentina, 289, 290, 299, 344
    • Rubber purchase agreement of 1942 with United States, extension by exchanges of notes, Oct. 11, 1943, and Oct. 13, 1944, and amendment Sept. 27, 1944, 16771678
    • U.S. Military Aviation Mission to Venezuela, negotiations for, 1642
    • U.S. Naval Mission, 1642
  • Vera, Antonio, 1247n
  • Vereker, George Gordon, 16291630
  • Vichy France, Argentine Government’s decision to sever diplomatic relation with, 247
  • Vidigal, Gastão, 661, 662663
  • Vignart, Huberto F., 16
  • Villa Michel, Primo, 1203, 1203n , 1211
  • Villagrán Ariza, Gen. Eduardo, 1135
  • Villarroel, Maj. Gualberto, 18, 253, 253n , 297, 431, 447, 454, 457, 461, 462, 464, 471, 472, 481, 482, 487, 494, 514, 517, 523, 526, 529, 537n , 1146
  • Vincent, Sténio, 1179
  • Vinson, Fred M., 164, 164n , 165, 166, 167, 637, 641
  • Waley, Sir David, 1115
  • Walmsley, W. N., Jr., 544, 544n , 553554, 554556
  • Walsh, Gen. Robert L., 543, 544, 549, 552553, 553n , 557, 571, 1197
  • War Production Board, 539, 540, 579, 599, 653, 705, 727, 941, 1426
  • War Shipping Administration (WSA), 289, 358, 421425 passim, 496497, 497498, 643649 passim
  • Warren, Avra M., 455466, 484, 14491451
  • Watson, G. M., 1577
  • Webb, Leslie A., 970971, 970n
  • Wells, M. K., 1517, 1518
  • Wheeler, L. A., 1318, 1319
  • White, John Campbell, 155, 694
  • Wickard, Claude R., 919n , 1318, 1319
  • Wilcox, M. L., 894n
  • Wilson, Earl B., 938947 passim, 952, 990
  • Wilson, Orme, 675, 676677, 1049, 1601, 16411642
  • Wilson, Woodrow, 100, 1096n 1097n
  • Winant, John G., 347, 363, 367
  • Winchester, John F., 592n
  • Woodward, Robert F., 816817
  • Wooten, Gen. Ralph H., 457, 458, 582, 583, 589, 600, 601, 602
  • Wright, Alberto, 1037, 1037n
  • Wright, James H., 153, 154, 161, 485, 486, 493495, 510511, 637, 699, 700
  • Wynn, Sproesser, 481485 passim, 504, 504n
  • Ydigoras Fuentes, Gen. Miguel Ramón, 188, 199
  • Yriart, Juan F., 1595
  • Zass, Col. W. W., 189
  • Zaydín, Ramón, 897, 923n , 924, 928, 929, 932, 964
  • Zúniga Montúfar, Tobias, 219, 220
  1. In indexing persons the intention has been to include all references to persons of significance for an understanding of the record, with the following exceptions: (1) The name of the Secretary of State or the Acting Secretary of State appearing as the signer of outgoing instructions unless there is a clear indication of the Secretary’s or Acting Secretary’s personal interest; (2) the name of an American officer in charge of a mission appearing as the signer of reports to the Department of State, except for personal items; (3) the names of persons to whom documents are addressed.

    Persons are not identified by office in the index, but usually where a person is first mentioned in any section a footnote identification is given unless that person is identified in the text.