837.24/2476: Airgram
The Ambassador in Cuba (Braden) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 17—3 p.m.]
A–531. Supplementing Embassy’s airgram A–363, February 19, 1944, 12:00 noon, which replied to the Department’s A–247 of February 12, 1944, 12:30 p.m.,61 local Pool members submitted for Embassy consideration a draft of a proposed ORPA resolution legally establishing a Cuban Petroleum Pool Committee; also a memorandum62 reiterating the objections of the present members to the inclusion of Cumex63 in the new Pool Committee.
At a meeting held in my office yesterday, present Pool members and Embassy officials carefully examined all phases of this question and Pool members withdrew their objections to Cumex’ participation in the proposed committee. It was agreed that the proposed resolution would be revised to include Cumex and submitted to ORPA. Informal discussions with ORPA officials had already indicated that they favor such a resolution and it is hoped, therefore, that a Cuban Petroleum Pool Committee including representatives of all five bulk importers will soon be legally established.