837.5018/11–644: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Cuba (Braden)
876. Upon suggestion of Department and your strong recommendations in 990 of November 6, 950 of October 2750 and previous communications, the War Food Administration is releasing to the press on November 13 the following:
“Cuba to Get More US Flour
To complete a commitment made by the United States Government to supply Cuba with sufficient US wheat flour to meet 1944 requirements, the War Food Administration will make payments to exporters on 300,000 bags (100 pounds each) for shipment during the remainder of the year.
The rate of payment and other provisions of the program will be released at 2 p.m. EWT51 on November 17. The payments will be made to effectuate a price stabilization agreement between the United States and Cuba.
The 300,000 bags of flour will be allocated among exporters on a basis of the quantity each sold for export to Cuba under special programs in 1943 and 1944.”