837.61351/10–244: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Cuba (Braden)
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After a careful review of the possibilities in CCC and the Department, the following course of action has been planned. Efforts will be made to reach an agreement with the Cubans on all of the minor details of the contract as well as on molasses and alcohol before any-further reference is made to the sugar price or to free sugar. Thereupon, the U.S. Delegation plans to present its entire proposal with a top price at 3.00 cents per pound, including a limited amount of sugar to be sold by the Institute to approved buyers after consultation with CCC. At that time the Cuban Commission will be received by Mr. Hutson, President of CCC, who will state that the proposal represents the limit to which this Government can be committed. It is assumed that Seiglie and Casanova, if not other delegates, would return forthwith to Habana to obtain the views of Grau and of the sugar industry groups.
Bartes’ comment on “very confused situation pending results of election” is incorrect. Interest in pending elections has no bearing whatsoever on the negotiations.
Interested officials have been apprised of Grau’s attitude of collaboration and have indicated appreciation and a desire to meet the situation in the same spirit.
The foregoing is being transmitted for your own personal and confidential information and for such discreet use as will, in your opinion, facilitate the successful conclusion of the negotiations along the above lines. Your comments will be appreciated.