740.21112 R.P./9–1844: Telegram

The Ambassador in Colombia (Lane) to the Secretary of State

1608. President López and Minister of Gobierno15 yesterday informed me that decrees ordering expropriation of some German spearhead firms should be issued this week. With respect to ex-President Santos opposition to expropriation and editorials written by Enrique Santos (Calibán) deploring action against small German firms, López spoke bitterly against the Santos policy of “making trouble”. López said that Santos had not succeeded in making a split between the President and the liberal majority of Congress. López assured me that the liberal majority has agreed to support Government wholeheartedly and will approve the decree laws which the Government is now issuing reexpropriation of enemy property as well as on other matters.

For. Minister Echandía, who was also present at luncheon, informed me that in his opinion Eduardo Santos is not opposed to expropriation program.

As in so many matters personal rivalry between López and Santos seems to be an important factor in this case.

  1. Alberto Lleras Camargo.