
The American Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Chilean Minister for Foreign Affairs (Fernández)39

No. 2490

Excellency: I have the honor to inform your Excellency, in accordance with instructions from my Government, that the United States and British Governments will issue statements simultaneously on September 26 to the following effect:

[Here follows text of statement quoted in Department’s circular telegram of September 20, 5 p.m., printed on page 530.]

I am confident, and it is the hope of my Government, that your Excellency’s Government will cooperate in every way possible in applying effective sanctions against firms wherever located which may remain on the lists during the period following the cessation of organized resistance in Germany.

My Government has further requested me to inform your Excellency’s Government that the complete or virtual withdrawal of the Lists will be possible shortly following the cessation of organized resistance by Germany with respect to those countries which have effectively eliminated the Axis spearhead firms, removed undesirable interests from other important Listed enterprises and have instituted adequate controls to carry out the purposes of the continuation of the Lists which are referred to in the proposed public statement above quoted.

[Page 782]

In view of the foregoing, I take this occasion to re-emphasize the points discussed with the Economic Controls Commission of your Excellency’s Government by Mr. Francis H. Russell, Chief of the Division of World Trade Intelligence of the State Department, and members of my staff at the meeting of August 10, and particularly in the informal memorandum41 submitted to the honorable members of the Commission by my representatives at that time. The speed with which military developments are progressing in Europe indicates the possibility of an early withdrawal of the Proclaimed List from those countries which have effectively liquidated or forcibly transferred to desirable concerns, all Axis spearhead firms operating within their territory, including the effective removal of undesirable interests from other important firms included in the Lists. The necessity of immediate and thorough action on the part of any government which has not completed such a program, but desires to have the list withdrawn for firms in its territory simultaneously with withdrawal elsewhere, is therefore of the greatest importance.

I feel sure that your Excellency’s Government will, in these circumstances, avail itself of all appropriate means to expedite the work of the various Governmental agencies concerned with the carrying out of the program which has been undertaken by the Economic Controls Commission, so that it may be concluded with the least possible delay.

Accept [etc.]

[Claude G. Bowers]
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department in despatch 10779, September 29, from Santiago; received October 10.
  2. Memorandum of August 10, p. 775.