740.20112 RP/12: Telegram
The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:16 p.m.]
475. While British Embassy has tentatively agreed to and its representatives are proceeding with us with the classification of the Proclaimed and Statutory Lists nationals on the basis reported in my despatch 8862, February 12,93 the impression persists that they doubt the advisability of presenting the Chilean Government with a specific program for the liquidation, vesting, forced transfer and cleaning up of specific firms and individuals as outlined. Furthermore, conversations with Pack and Royden94 lead us to suspect that possibly London also is somewhat reluctant to the initiation of any program which would reduce the size of the lists.
[Page 760]The British Embassy claims to have submitted the whole matter to London for approval more than 2 weeks ago but that no reply has been received.
As we feel that no further time should be lost in submitting the program to the Chilean Government, we hope the Department may find it possible to emphasize to the British authorities in Washington the desirability of London’s promptly instructing the British Embassy to proceed with the program on the basis outlined in the despatch under reference.