811.20 Defense (M) Chile/622: Telegram
The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State
[Received 9:12 p.m.]
84. For Hull, Under Secretary, Duggan and Bonsal. My secret telegram No. 78, January 12, 7 p.m. Referring to a possible reservation in regard Argentine in the cancellation of copper limitations agreement I did not mean a prohibition of amount such as is now sold to Argentine, but some reservation making possible for Chile to send beyond that amount to that country. Would it be possible to stipulate that Chile may sell in any amount she desires to any American nation engaged actually through a war declaration or a rupture with the [Page 719] Axis and no other? So long as the United Nations continue to contribute to the unprecedented prosperity of Argentina by buying her products in enormous amounts are we in a very good position to ask Chile to refuse to sell copper to that country?