
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Chile (Bowers)

No. 4422

The Secretary of State transmits for the Embassy’s confidential information and files a copy of the Department’s note of even date sent to the Chilean Embassy in Washington together with a copy of a statement49 prepared by the Foreign Economic Administration showing charges made during the period from April 1, 1944 through July 31, 1944 for articles transferred under Lend-Lease Agreement to the Government of Chile.

The lend-lease reimbursement payment of $2,500,000 requested in the Department’s note to the Chilean Embassy dated June 16, 1944 has not yet been received (Department’s secret instruction no. 4373 dated August 30, 194450).

It will be noted that the total charges made through July 31, 1944 for all lend-lease articles transferred to the Government of Chile aggregate the grand total of $15,627,316.39. Of this grand total the [Page 688] sum of $4,688,000 represents the appropriate percentage of reimbursement (i.e. thirty percent under the provisions of the Agreement) due from the Government of Chile. This amount includes the sum of $2,500,000 which became due on January 1, 1944.

The officer in charge is requested to make discreet inquiries of the appropriate officials of the Chilean Government concerning the payment of this amount due. It would be appreciated if the payment of this balance due could now be made in the form of a check drawn to the order of the “Treasurer of the United States, for the Account of the Foreign Economic Administration”, instead of to the “Treasurer of the United States of America” as was indicated in enclosure number two to the Department’s secret instruction under reference.

  1. Neither printed.
  2. Instruction No. 4373 not printed.