811.20 Defense (M) Bolivia/8–2944: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Bolivia (McLaughlin)

946. Reurdes 4227, Aug. 29.70 Please deliver the following note to the Foreign Minister:

Excellency: I have the honor to refer to Your Excellency’s note No. PE–244, of August 24, 1944, with enclosures,71 setting forth the point of view of the Bolivian Government concerning the revision of the tin purchase contract. The aforementioned note has been the subject of the most careful consideration by the appropriate agencies of my Government.

It is the firm desire of my Government to see the tin purchase contract of November 4, 1940 made operative in such a way that it will redound to the mutual advantage to our two Governments and peoples. However, inasmuch as it is the established policy of my Government in its foreign procurement program to direct as rapidly as practicable the flow of international trade back into private channels, it is believed desirable that such revisions of the tin purchase contract as may be agreed upon be considered as amendments to the existing contract.

The proposal embodied in Your Excellency’s note under reference has been studied in a spirit of the most sympathetic and friendly collaboration. Taking into account all the factors which bear upon the situation, including the special consideration which has been established because of the high cost of production of tin in Bolivia, the [Page 489] procurement authorities of my Government desire that the tin purchase contract be promptly amended along justifiable lines which will be equitable as well to the Bolivian tin industry. Consequently, I have been informed that officers of the Foreign Economic Administration are now prepared to undertake oral discussions on the subject.

Accept, Excellency, etc.”

  1. Not printed.
  2. Transmitted to the Department in despatch 4227, August 29, from La Paz, not printed.