824.01/861: Telegram
The Chargé in Bolivia (Woodward) to the Secretary of State
[Received 8:58 p.m.]
1160. Villarroel informed an officer of our Government that the Argentine Ambassador89 is departing from Bolivia on June 2 as a gesture of protest concerning his course [sic] to receive any cooperation from the Bolivian Provisional Government. Villarroel is deeply concerned that this gesture may be followed by economic sanctions which may obstruct the Argentine supply of foodstuffs from Argentina. He said that the Ambassador had indicated that since Bolivia would not provide quinine, tin or additional rubber to Argentina, the Argentine Government might soon establish a system of compensated trade with Bolivia so that shipments of foodstuffs to Bolivia would be limited to the value of Bolivian exports to Argentina.
While I doubt that Argentine exporters would sacrifice any business in Bolivia, the Bolivian authorities do seem to be sincerely [Page 462] worried about these threats particularly when they involve alienating the favor of the only government which has recognized the Bolivian Government.
- Gen. Martín Gras.↩