824.00/3076: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics Except Argentina and Bolivia

You were informed in the Department’s circular telegram of May 6, 10 p.m., that Ambassador Warren had been sent to La Paz to arrive at an estimate of the present situation and to gather additional information regarding the present attitude and intentions of the element in power in Bolivia. Please inform the Foreign Minister of the country to which you are accredited that during his visit there Ambassador Warren was informed that as an indication of its desire to cooperate with the United Nations the Provisional Government of Bolivia wished to expel from Bolivia the most dangerous Axis aliens. The Provisional Government sought the assistance of the United States to accomplish this purpose, and this Government was naturally pleased to lend its assistance and provide the necessary transportation facilities. Ambassador Warren assisted in making the necessary arrangements at La Paz and has informed the Department that the evacuées are now en route to the United States. Obviously the greatest secrecy was necessary in making these arrangements, since it was felt that any premature disclosure of the plan might serve as a warning to the aliens involved and the successful execution of the plan might be frustrated. Consequently it was deemed advisable from the point of view of continental security to withhold until now this information.

Please assure the Foreign Minister that I should have preferred to have informed him of this incident earlier had circumstances permitted. Please also assure him that the present action is not connected with the question of recognition and that our views on that subject remain as previously stated, namely that it is a question for determination by the consulting American Republics, with the exception of Argentina.

I believe that the other American Republics will be interested in knowing what Ambassador Warren has to report and as soon as he has returned to Washington and given me a report of his findings I shall communicate with you.
